June 22, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
June 22, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Wellness practices, health of the body and home are important today. There is a lot of energy for creative endeavors too and in general – high energy levels. Staying busy and applying yourself and taking care of yourself will equal awesome results. Spontaneity is most likely part of the weather for you and it offers lovely things like romance and greater abundance. Taurus/Taurus Rising: The Moon in Virgo is pretty grand for you – since it falls in your house of creativity and romance. Tending to small details – not a problem. More like a height of creative accomplishment in direct relationship and exchange with your most individualized expression of self. Gemini/Gemini Rising: Emotional sorting re larger themes of your life of the last few years like career can occur today. Is it intense? Only in the best ways. Your ability to see things in a widened perspective is heightened, and humor is one of the lens to be sure. Cancer/Cancer Rising: The time is now, if any, to get radically realistic about how you’re cultivating your creativity in the world (so, ideal career situation). Glimpses of the future are available today. And the future ripples into the past […]