Wednesday July 8, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
July 8, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Last Quarter Moon can have you feeling like running away – comfort and familiarity pulls you back from making sudden changes, yet you wonder if you need to strike out on your own in some way. You have to identify the lesson at hand, what exactly you can grow from right now, what about the present moment are you avoiding? It can be more forgiving than you think. Taurus/Taurus Rising: An impulsive sense of engaging with the mystery is calling you, from the place of the seeker, transformed by direct experience. Your feelings can defy familiar (to you) logic and concepts, and how you think you should feel is dissolving. Gemini/Gemini Rising: A certain type of bravery – or now, a confrontation with the situation that awakens it. It is about unabashed authenticity and expression of your true self, (even if there are many selves!), and letting go of security based fears around what will happen if some people don’t like it. All that will happen is that you’ll attract your tribe. Cancer/Cancer Rising: How does it all get accomplished, what which you know you desire, if not for the valor of your actual tangible efforts day after day? […]