Thursday July 9, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
Maiden of Mars by Ira Carter July 9, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: The intensity of the Last Quarter Moon yesterday settles down – now there seems to be more resource, emotionally and otherwise, at the ready for simply engaging, having fun, expressing yourself. The Moon moves into Taurus and slows down your jets. Beauty, aesthetic, taking time for yourself, and getting more of a translatable grip on what’s going on exactly. Taurus/Taurus Rising: The urgency of this Aries Moon at the start of the day before it moves into your sign is felt in mysterious ways for you, coloring nearly everything with that sense of impatience or need to separate, move away from (x). If you can sit with it and see where it takes you, certain personal insights can be reached, or if you find some way to explore it intuitively through a project, all the better. Gemini/Gemini Rising: Pave a little freedom for yourself today – the Moon falls in your house of higher mind and trines Jupiter and Venus in Leo – your creative vision is soaring high and needs space to move. You have a window for genius insights and the ease of translating them down to communicable bites. The […]