
Friday July 10, 2015

July 10, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: So much is moving through your emotional body at this time that there is certainly a lot of internalizing to do. You might not feel like going straight for what you feel you want the most, only because it seems to promise insecurity and so very much that is unknown. If you’re confused, take the time to journal and check in with yourself – it’s going to look a lot clearer projected into form, like in writing.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: Today favors assertiveness, and it’s potent, so keep things light with others when you can and focus on connecting and being present, but as far as your own inner world – it’s warrior up time. You’re feeling aware and sensitive, but in the kind of way that can be dissected, because none of it’s too much to look at – it’s all an adventure for you, clarity inducing when you dig into the well.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: For the spirit or idea that precedes a physical form – that can be your meditation today. It can appear like things just spring up, but there is a gestation period, beyond what can always be seen. You’re at the end of one cycle and beginning another one – so you are shedding what no longer resonates with you, though it may seem extra apparent now. The point is to make room and surrender to what visions are unfurling now, for which you can begin to conjure up the new seeds.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: Today holds significant potentials for both getting more in tune and embodied within your ideals – your personal Utopia and how to bring it down to the Earth plane — but also how to use this for powerful transformations within relationships, via teamwork and really showing up for what is desired, and having the self-love upgrade to stop participating in situations that require you to settle.


Leo/Leo Rising: Industriousness, hustling and getting serious about your beauty/aesthetic endeavors are all ways for you to take advantage of this Taurus Moon. Not superficial, but shining. Also, for where you are not totally aware of what you want, this will come into focus as you attend to the needs of the body and embodiment. Luxury, however you source it, is literally reasonable today – simple and of love, good for the health.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: Consider a revamp in beliefs around pleasure, aesthetic, embodiment. One, because it’s easy not to, but two because there are rewards for doing so. And as you innovate right now in the realm of even emotions or how you view the world, you are bringing in new ways of feeling good and feeling excited about life.


Libra/Libra Rising: Moon in the Soul sector today – so a time of depth-oriented emotions from which the source is not always clear. For you, the source is not clear not only because it’s unconscious matter but because it’s involved with shared resources… who or what are you absorbing? Great day for cleansing activities that help you filter your intake, and gets rid of what doesn’t serve you.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Brilliantly aspected day for relationships and abundance. Integrity with your values and needs is called for and you are supported in communicating them. Better that than leave it murky, where deceit and martyrdom can operate. Just trust that you will be provided for. Maybe not by one person, but by some extension of source, nonetheless.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Take care of details today, about very grounded and practical things. The Moon transits support this, but also it helps add stability and structure to more fluid and impressionable processes that are happening right now, with outcomes that are positively boosted by attention to the earth plane of things – detail, practicality, but also health,  caring for the body and other matters that support the overall well-being. Even if you feel like avoiding the work!


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Abundance is all around you – and if you don’t see it yet, getting into something creative that absorbs your attention can have majorly peaceful affects upon your deeper consciousness. Being resourceful comes easy today, so apply yourself to the things that rejuvenate you and your life force… it’s a Venusian day, and your heart will thank you. Seemingly indirect rewards can appear.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Today is supportive for health matters and also bringing in Venusian frequencies to your routine and home/personal environment, which you can also consider an act of health. Creating your own bliss in small ways releases pressure immediately, also can help clear up residual mysterious yearning (which is like you, looking into the future too early… you can embody the feeling now though).


Pisces/Pisces Rising: There’s an ease right now of expressing yourself and your sensibilities which can be applied to art, more challenging conversations with partners and significant people, not to mention your instincts are pretty in tune – but they need to be heard, and your connection to hearing the right messages at the right time is highlighted by your actions coming from the heart – to project yourself outwardly as you feel, without needing to defend or explain it – just being. The vibration is self-allowing.

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