
Week of July 20 – 26 Horoscopes


Week of July 20 – 26 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: This week you are internalizing and re-viewing some of the themes from March – watch them as trigger points. What you took in stride then, is now catching up in terms of needing to emotionally integrate. You can feel very aware of what you want to actualize and create. A lot of the blocks you feel are in the way of this have inner solutions, and it requires a deep inner gaze which this week is likely to support.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: Pragmatic approaches in communication and relationships are supported now. Being able to communicate needs without causing alienation or defensiveness, where there had been in the past, can also be possible with these transits. Themes from March of this year that were more elusive/unseen/developing are bubbling up through your thoughts and ideas now – see if you can find the connections.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Laying down detailed groundwork for any projects or self-work you’re undertaking is supported this week, if you can handle as well that the first quarter moon can bring a change of plans. If you stay adaptable, you may see that a lot of the preparations are part of the process even if they do not end up making the final cut. There is an opportunity to let some of your constructs be challenged, only to be replaced with something deeper and truer.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: Realignments in romantic situations that have become limiting in some way can be moved through this week, assisted a lot by your impulsive or instinctive drives around freedom and BEING and letting other things adjust to your being rather than adapting to what is already there. When the Sun and Mercury leave your sign for Leo, you will be at the start of a cultivation process, making more lasting what you have learned through experience and risk this season.


Leo/Leo Rising: Truly it is like grace is shining into your home/personal sector this week. Hidden issues can be revealed and at the same time lovingly dusted off and made new, transmuted in some way. This is just before the Sun and Mercury enter your sign, in which you will begin to feel more and more willful and in tune with action. Until that feeling sets in, it’s a matter of letting go and parting with themes from the last cycle that have no further part in your future.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: This week is full of opportunity to attune yourself to detached and individualized perspectives in relation to places where you have become overly-conditioned. Meaning what was once true has lost a certain relevance but still has some kind of residual affect or motivational factor in your life. This week you simply can see things differently and it allows yourself freedom and discovery in a really real way.


Libra/Libra Rising: Your ruling planet going in retrograde does not mean you’re losing steam or stride. But it does mean that a lot of people will be rethinking their values or relationships. Which happens to be your expertise. You may find yourself in a greater position to help others by being situated to provide space in the way it is needed, and then you may also encounter situations that test (operative word) your limits. A deeper awareness of who you are can come through as a result.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Now begins a new cycle with the Sun and Mercury in Leo entering your solar Cap/Saturn ruled house. At the beginning, keep room for change that is naturally desired. You’re building foundations now to support your goals, but leave some room for the Tao (or we can say life). With this transit it will be important to allow natural rhythms, and to not get too distracted with your vision of what you want, to see what is. When you step into what is, the room for creative fulfillment expands.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Whether or not you can see it this week, shifts to support your growth are occurring. Letting go of what is unnecessary is also occurring. When the Sun and Mercury move into Leo you will begin to feel like some more light has returned – that now you can angle yourself toward a purpose or vision, after having been swimming in trickier waters for some time. You may be experimenting with your vision in action for the first quarter moon mid-week.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Interactions at the beginning of the week can either be hyper-connective or trigger a sense of alienation. If the second occurs, it can be a moment to really feel into what is being exchanged and to see why it doesn’t resonate with you. What are you in the process of letting go of or transmuting? The transits of the Sun and Mercury into Leo begin a depth transit for you… resist the tendency to project, or you miss the jewel. Everything is also part with you.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: This week a shift toward greater extroversion occurs for you – where before the quiet of the self was where you were learning and integrating, now the scenery expands to new vistas. Opportunities to be more engaged in relationship show up. Mid-week the challenge is letting go of judgments that cloud or limit you. They can be deeply rooted, but the absence of them makes room for what you desire more.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: This is a week to make improvements one step at a time. You probably have a vision or a feeling of what it is you want, and may see the disparity between that and reality presently. It’s going to be way important to nourish the side of you that is happy without needing something outside to create that happiness for you. Listen for creative impulses coming to you that are new developments from seeds planted in March.

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