Thursday October 8, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
October 8, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Venus and the Moon go into Virgo – a moment of perception opens around what kind of work you feel a calling to delve into and improve upon more. You have to remember you already ARE the things you are dreaming of becoming… keep reminding yourself of this in process, you’re getting a rhythym. Taurus/Taurus Rising: Now begins a season where your craft and handiwork shines in the spotlight. It can very well be a blindspot or a quieted thing within, how much care truly goes into your work. Receive compliments with grace. You know your worth and it’s growing. Gemini/Gemini Rising: Things have been emotionally taxing (sometimes to say the LEAST) of late. Venus is catching up to Mars in your home/ego/‘close to the chest’ sector. So prepare (and invite) grace into that realm of your life. It is time to soothe yourself and fill your cup after some inner exhuastion. Cancer/Cancer Rising: Boundary setting is part of a larger envisioning process right now for how you actually want to live. The river will stay between its riverbanks. How are your communications serving this purpose? And you? Say what needs to be said – there is good support […]