Tuesday October 27, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
October 27, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Remembering that you love yourself again, is this Full Moon. Ways that you have isolated yourself deeply are being shown to you. You may also glimpse into the way that your self-talk speaks a certain story with a value system – is it coming from your shadow though? Shadow clearing = powerful integration for bringing more love into your life right now. Taurus/Taurus Rising: This Full Moon brings in a strong vibe of personal empowerment. You are feeling amped up to take charge and be assertive as opposed to being harmonious or giving your power away to keep the peace. Remember that some people are going to take what they can get, and in that case you don’t owe benefit of the doubt. Let harmony be energetic. Right now you’re likely the one to shift the direction. Gemini/Gemini Rising: Any preoccupations or near obsessions you have had with routine can shift with this Full Moon – bringing in another dimension in the self-love arena. How much of it is science and system, and what you can see, and where is love enough to shift the boundaries? If even an attitude shift toward greater self-regard, you will find more […]