Monday November 10, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
November 10, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: However athletic you are used to being (as an attitude toward life if not literally), this is the dark moon in Scorpio. You benefit from taking a break – realize that you need this empty, receptive space to receive and to process and integrate. Chill. To the extreme. Taurus/Taurus Rising: You are likely to enjoy the company today of people where you feel things are above water. Mysterious intrigues require more attention and this is the dark moon. If you must – make sure that you are armed with plenty of self-care: well-nourished and comfortable. Gemini/Gemini Rising: This is a health moon and a treat yourself Moon – pushing yourself to work super hard at something you don’t want to do is going to feel especially taxing during a low ebb Moon. Get absorbed in something you enjoy – insights click, tangible rewards crop up later. Cancer/Cancer Rising: Over delusive fantasies – too hard a truth pops the bubble. The same fantasy-making drive is simply channeled toward what you are creating and then it mirrors back to you. The energy becomes one of overpowering desire/attraction to sustainable fantasy: you hold your own. Leo/Leo Rising: Something is brewing re empowerment around […]