May 30 - June 5, 2016: The Waking Dream - Monarch Astrology
This week’s astrological currents are so streamlined and connected, that instead of breaking down each transit and describing them individually I’m going to explain the overall landscape – but included are transit times at the bottom FYI! I might keep to this form, still figuring out which works better, an overview of the week in one essay, or a breakdown of transits. If you have noticed a preference, please let me know! The overview works well in synthesizing all the themes of the week, I think. What we are seeing this week is the Sun and Venus in Gemini playing off the existing mutable T-square of Neptune in Pisces, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Jupiter in Virgo. So much is being washed away at this moment in time: plans seem uncertain, directions are changing, unexpected events are turning up and changing the existing game plan. With Mars still in retrograde and now back into Scorpio, our collective executive function, the ability to act and effect, is in deep introspection…/soul searching. Because the exterior world is so changeable and fickle, it can become like a waking dream, where the feedback of symbol (Gemini) on the outside world immediately affirms the interior landscape. […]