
Astro of Dorian Electra: Up and Coming Artist to Watch



In early March of this year, goddess asteroids Eris and Black Moon Lilith were opposite each other in the sky when Dorian Electra released a music video called “CLITOPIA”, detailing the history of the clitoris as it has been (mis)understood by the patriarchy. Its glamorous and subversive vibrations rippled through the web and went viral, gathering over a million views and making a spectacle within an increasingly sex-positive and receptive culture, but calling back to witch hunts and moments in history when this kind of flaunting of female sexuality would have been impossible to do.

Natally, Dorian has the goddess of discord, Eris, squaring her Uranus-Neptune conjunction in Capricorn in tight orb. Not only is she a member of this revolutionary and radical generation bringing new archetypes/new ways of thinking to the collective that we see with Uranus-Neptune people, but she is also astrologically positioned to liberate suppressed feminine power. Black Moon Lilith is also on her Saturn in Aquarius, which adds another element to her career and art playing with themes of not just feminism but what being a woman naturally is beyond how it has been distorted by centuries of patriarchal thought.

In an earlier incarnation of her artistic career, Dorian made economics videos and while she did so innocently from a place of her then-held economic and political beliefs around the free market, she found herself in the middle of controversy (Eris/Uranus/Neptune inevitably), named the “Libertarian Lolita” and accused of taking money to write the lyrics she was writing. She took it as a wake-up call that no matter what you put out in the world, it can be twisted and that’s how you’re defined. She was grateful it happened early on and, already shifting her politics, she moved on. Now, still early on in her career, we are seeing a lot more of an individuated expression of Dorian’s persona. Besides making music videos like Clitopia and the just released Mind-Body Problem, Dorian is also a hilarious man named Don Bogman, a used-Buick salesman..



Dorian is an artist who commits to her performance, she is a pleasure to watch because of her embodied electricity, wit and boldness. She’s worth a follow on Facebook – she’s stunting on the regular and though she has been all along (Sun in Cancer is on her South Node – totally comfortable with performing and maybe self-actualizing for lifetimes already), she is beginning to get a lot of recognition and traction. We should be seeing a lot of her as time goes on.

~Sabrina Monarch


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