June 23, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
June 23, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Some further refinement of your motives allows your plans to move forward. What’s at the root of it? Dreaming up ideals on paper seems to come easier than laying out the structure of how it works in reality, however, if you dig and keep your awareness open, you’ll figure it out. Your attention is brought to tangible real-world daily mundania etc… and yes it is relevant to more than appearances suggest. Taurus/Taurus Rising: Freedom to be you versus expectations or ‘constraints’ within a relationship may be an issue today. The answer may not be immediately apparent but will find clarification through small, necessary adjustments. When you find the right actions, the situation will ease up. Spending time on creative projects will help you feel better where there is overwhelm. Gemini/Gemini Rising: There is a slight push and pull now between uninhibited movement forward and small restrictions based on small and somewhat mysterious blocks. Typically it is asking for some attention to detail to be attended to before you get to run. Chances are you will *feel* the places that need some TLC, and once you do so, you’ll see energy free up. Cancer/Cancer Rising: Seeking further balance is the […]