June 24, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
June 24, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: First Quarter Moon at the same time Mars goes into Cancer can definitely feel like you’re being pulled in multiple directions. Key relationships come into question as whether they are proving security or insecurity, and now will be the time to address issues and share what your needs are. Think steam engine. No matter what you choose, something is being put in motion. Likely it feels good to connect with others about the things you have kept close to the chest but are ready to bring up and feel out for the like-mindedness. Taurus/Taurus Rising: Restoring balance to the smaller details in life feels fabulous today… ordering and organizing your physical world for increased zen and mental flow. Socializing is highlighted today – surround yourself with people who you feel mentally stimulated by and also comfortable with for optimal results, or if you are around new people/in general, be prepared for social interaction to create a lot of internalizing and processing. Gears are turning. Gemini/Gemini Rising: Today is pretty rad for romance and engaging with people in new ways.. think to what you have been cultivating inwardly, new insights, new feelings. Now the mood is social, and there is […]