Weekend Horoscopes August 14 - 16, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
Weekend of August 14 – 16 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A very expansive weekend in the heart and creative center. There will also be a lot of micro-focus and tuning into the details. Easily this can be in support of larger goals or ambitions you have right now. Think of how you can bring your own truth into all the things you do and you will start seeing so much more momentum of that truth. It no longer has to be on the sidelines – it is merging. There are also going to be instances where a small adjustment makes your life so much better, that a small thing can go a long way. Taurus/Taurus Rising: This weekend is all about the heart! Even after some of the Leo energies shift into Virgo, the Virgo transits will take place in your solar Leo-ruled house, so it is a lion/ess weekend of heart-opening and pleasure. Expect some glimpses into how to personalize something you have reserved toward expressing only in a way that serves something larger – and while it may be on a good track that way, it is missing a key piece of your own individuality that if included, will really only […]