Wednesday September 30, 2015 - Monarch Astrology
September 30, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: It has been an extra amount of social activity lately that has you considering more depths of yourself at the mirror – and if you are filled with longing, you are certainly on the right track. Stay present with all who you meet and when you get the chance, share what’s really on your mind. Taurus/Taurus Rising: The focus on self-improvement can be mighty. Remember what you’re working toward can be even more wonderful than you think. You are preparing and making space within yourself for the next level of relationship, of love, and of ingenuity. Gemini/Gemini Rising: The next level comes from taking all of the abundance of fun and inner passion you are discovering and applying it to your career or structural world. Something is about to get a lot more colorful if you can find the bridge – or at least the creative tension is going to yield some type of new knowledge until you do. Cancer/Cancer Rising: This is a time where the tender and vulnerable words of your heart (either spoken to another or dialogued within) are creating more alignment in the realm of the Universe meeting you at your truth. You will only […]