Mystical Gemini - Monarch Astrology
Lately I’ve been thinking of a quality within Gemini where they seem to channel information in a way that is particularly engaging… a mystical feeling even with how on they can be (square to Pisces). A Gemini-Chiron was telling me yesterday that she had been told by an astrologer that it is important for her to speak because her ideas are helpful or healing for other people (and I feel this to be true in regards to my own experience with her) I was talking to a Gemini Sun (I did not know the rest of his chart) about astrology and we were getting into the topic of its validity and whether or not I would or do defend its validity. I said that I have not argued about it in a long time, and that doing so is really exhausting for me, but that there are astrologers who can and do (like Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas) and that maybe I would get back into it if I found a gateway. He said something quickly back about the “art of dismissing dismissals” and I felt a tangible spark within me. So, what do you think? Have Gemini’s or Gemini-types […]