The Week Ahead: October 19 - 25 - Monarch Astrology
Pluto is the major focus of this week, with several planets forming aspects to Pluto and the Sun moving into Scorpio midweek. Pluto is the force of transmutation and change, and also is associated with resistance (however we resist that change). But with Pluto we can think of Anais Nin’s quote, “The pain it took to stay tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” That’s how Pluto operates. The nature of something only coming into existence because something else has ended and made space is also Pluto. To start the week, there is a first quarter Moon in Capricorn. As this relates to our Libra Sun season, we are looking at ways to solidify or build structures around the floating kind of relationship dynamics that have not yet found form. With the Venus-Neptune opposition we just had, there has been an openness and formlessness to a lot of the current Venusian energy – either in relationship or what we are valuing personally. …Keep reading this week’s full forecast. ~Monarch (Art: James R. Eads) Related EntriesFull Moon in Taurus: Consult the HermitThe Philosophy of Our ValuesThe Unconscious SpeakingThe Week Ahead: The Taskmaster Meets […]