June 20 - 26, 2016: Pull the Weeds & Run Free - Monarch Astrology
This forecast is up early because I’m going camping and will be gone the day I normally put this up. I’ll be away until June 19th. A Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 20th occurs hours before the Solstice when the Sun changes signs into Cancer, and it’s in the last degree of Sagittarius with the Sun in the last degree of Gemini. The 29 degree mark (30 degrees to a sign) is a critical and magical degree of each sign, where the energy of that cycle culminates. It is a time where the themes make a theatrical display of themselves before they return to the Ocean to switch forms – I see it as a mermaid flipping her tail out of the water and her tail passing through our field of vision in psychedelic trace lines, time slows down and something spectacular is distilled. With the Full Moon energy, our emotional life will have this kind of dramatic exposure of itself – Sagittarius is an archetype that relates to frank, blunt, honesty, an ability to speak the truth and to do so in a way that makes all of the bullshit seem laughable. Sagittarius is not without a shadow […]