August 10-17, 2016: First Quarter Moon in Scorpio & Saturn Direct - Monarch Astrology
With this First Quarter Moon in Scorpio, I want to reflect on the essence of commitment. This is a Saturn and Venus heavy week, and the astrology of this week is potent in a way that can be used for actualization, when we are pragmatic or committed, or I do see potentials for it being distressing when these potentials aren’t wielded with care. The First Quarter Moon represents a turning point in the month – where we take the energy from the last New Moon and make some kind of decision or take some action with it. If you begin to track your New Moon intentions, you may see that the First Quarter Moon presents you (or carries through with you) opportunities to take some action relative to your goal or wish. In Scorpio, the Soul merges with something outside of itself to expand past its limitations. This is when the Soul takes inside of itself a symbol or a person or an organization – anything extrinsic – and joins forces with it. This is an incredibly powerful process, and it is one that we often do unconsciously. And, even doing so consciously, we lose a sense of boundary between who […]