Holding Court: Astrology of 12/26 - 1/1 - Sabrina Monarch
The Sun is moving into a conjunction with Saturn, which exacts on the new year. This correlates with a sense of emotional sobriety in the air – we might find ourselves becoming more contemplative and aware of cause and effect, and the roles we play within the games of cause and effect. This process allows us to assess if our attitudes and actions are lining up with futures we desire, or if we need to make adjustments. Capricorn’s ability to stay cool and collected can help us rise above momentary drama in sight of a bigger, organizational picture of what is possible if we adopt new plans or get serious about achieving our goals. Saturn and Capricorn are archetypes that hold court for doubt and discomfort, listening to these emotions as signals and becoming wiser by interacting with the meaning that these signals uncover. When we cannot emotionally tolerate doubt or discomfort we may instead repress it, which too has its consequences. (Compartmentalizing and making time to unpack what we’ve compartmentalized at a different time is another skillset). We can listen to these emotions and assess whether or not they are valid warnings or just fear-based consciousness we are growing […]