Walls that Guard the Heart: Astrology of 2/20 - 2/26 - Sabrina Monarch
Venus recently formed a conjunction to Saturn and this week she joins up with Pluto. Venus is spending a little bit of time with our ongoing Saturn-Pluto conjunction, so have this triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn and Pluto on the South Node of the Moon, all in Capricorn. Mercury in Pisces will also aspect Jupiter and Pluto this week, helping us access visionary thinking. (As well as delusional thinking… but this is an opportunity for our inner-guide to tune within and stay with the messages as we sift for clarity.) The Venus-Saturn-Pluto conjunction is dark, and heavy, and beautiful. One of its biggest opportunities is for us to tune our relational skillsets and relational integrity to meeting the walls within ourselves that we are transforming – the places we have marked off as bad or wrong or not lovable. This extends to walls we create in relating to others. We often put aspects of ourselves into shadow when we do not have the ego or consciousness structures yet to relate to these aspects of ourselves. As time goes on and we collect experiences and wisdom, we gain opportunities to unpack whatever we’ve previously compartmentalized. As we learn to relate, love, […]