Spiritual Navigation for Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio: Astrology of 10/30 - 11/5 - Sabrina Monarch
Mercury stations retrograde this week in the sign of Scorpio, bringing us to reflect and dig deeper into the streams of information which are furthering our collective survival. Furthering our collective survival – what do I mean by this? Well, take this example of learning how to heal our trauma or teaching people how to process their intense emotions. This would help people transform their inner world and therefore participate with reality in a different way. We only perpetuate our trauma and wounding into culture because we haven’t become conscious of it and healed it. We don’t even have to be perfect – we are in process, and every step of this process contains gems. We live in an inextricably interconnected world. The wisdom teachings of Scorpio remind us that as we change from within, the externals in our life will alchemically reflect that change, not to mention we will gain new capacity to empower and inspire others. This does not mean we don’t have needs, or that we can’t feel need for intimacy or love from others, or need an external life that reflects our values. What this does mean, though, is that there are often opportunities to take […]