Full Moon in Taurus: Astrology of 11/6 - 11/12 - Sabrina Monarch
This week we have a Full Moon with the Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Taurus – and the Sun and Moon both harmoniously aspect Saturn in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces. Saturn and Neptune form an exact alignment this week, negotiating our concepts of control and responsibility when it comes to the unknown or the mysterious workings of reality. In a Universe of abundant creativity and possibility, surely we do have some say in what potentials we shape or give more power to through our focus and intention and involvement. I can enter a party and have vastly different experiences according to my mood, my intention, and what I’m choosing to focus on. I practiced ashtanga yoga for several years – in ashtanga yoga studios, students are doing their own practice in the room and the teacher will walk around and make adjustments. I would often hear my teachers speak of the balance between will/effort versus surrender, or strength versus flexibility. The overly-flexible students had to develop more strength, as to not compromise their structural integrity. The students who had come in with a lot of physical strength had to learn where to surrender, let gravity work for them, […]