Taurus Season & Awakening Receptivity: Astrology of 4/15 - 4/21 - Sabrina Monarch
The Sun leaves Aries this week, creating a square to Jupiter in Capricorn before it enters the sign of Taurus and forms an immediate square to Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury freshly in the sign of Aries aspects both Venus and Mars this week. With the Sun in Aries squaring Jupiter in Capricorn, the dramas of human courage are amplified, and the fight to feel good or to not feel depressed is highlighted, which is an interesting one. On the one hand, this signals finding morale within spaces of distress, or making the choice to do something we know will improve our situation even when we don’t feel well-resourced emotionally. We’re willing to pick ourselves up. On the other hand, the fight to feel good or to not feel depressed can also symbolize an inner-state of resistance. Imagine theoretically, that you took the one emotion you didn’t want to feel and theatrically acted it out to an extreme, within a private ritual container you set for yourself. Would it feel good, to give yourself over to a primal expression of your deepest emotions and then let them go, instead of trying to stuff them down and act normal day in and […]