Identifying the Impasse: Astrology of 9/23 - 9/29 - Sabrina Monarch
There is a confrontational sharpness to this week’s transits – Mercury makes dynamic aspects to Saturn, Pluto, and Mars, and then enters Scorpio. Saturn stations direct in Capricorn. The Sun in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries. And Mars again, now retrograde, squares Saturn in Capricorn. (If you don’t sense a vibe from that alone, we will extrapolate throughout!) I chose the above image because while dramatic (with those teeth in the center) I think it communicates the sense of probing into challenging topics. Mars retrograde already emphasizes conflict – if not outer conflict, the inner ones, like how we negotiate our own boundaries. The deeper we reflect on our external conflicts from a soul-based perspective, the more apparent it is that we are connected somehow – that some part of us is entangled with the drama and the way to liberation includes internal transformation – to learn how to relate differently to ourselves, and thus to our greater environment and our relations. There may be opportunities this week to notice dissonance within our experience – conflicting motivations, choice deliberations, or even noting a tendency to feel one way but present and act another way. Why the internal dissonance? These internal […]