Creating Room for Eros: Astrology of 12/22 - 12/28 - Sabrina Monarch
This week we see a third and final exact alignment of the current Saturn-Uranus square (this time with asteroid Eros in the mix) Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, and Jupiter entering Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces brings in a new layer of spiritual exploration, healing, and opening – the trumpets resound, oceanic sensation ensues! This is profound, and – receiving all of that cosmic energy opens up a lot of new awareness of where our vessels (our bodies, consciousness, etc.) can freely conduct that energy versus where it gets stuck/lodged/blocked. The Venus-Pluto conjunction and the Saturn-Eros conjunction (Saturn and Eros square Uranus) will each relate to how we negotiate boundaries in relationship to the fullest depth of our feeling. Boundaries and structures are like irrigation channels: showing where energy/water is enabled to flow. Every person has an energetic system that includes channels and boundaries – places we have capacity to receive and places we are boundaried from receiving. At a pragmatic, literal level, one could analyze for example how time is spent in a day. How much of it is allotted to what we truly value and what brings us alive? Where do we, at a structural level, invest time into […]