Entering the 8th Year of Monarch Astrology - Monarch Astrology
June 1 marks the beginning of the 8th year of weekly forecasting! We made it through a whole quarter of a Saturn cycle. 🥲 Normally this would be mean (with the last two years as precedent) that I’d be running a Kickstarter campaign to ask for your support for the year ahead. But with a fair amount of deliberation and soul-searching, I’ve decided not to this year. I’ll tell you why, with some updates in this article and others ways you can support the free content. There will still be forecasts and podcast episodes! I love making them. The Kickstarter has been a massive amount of energy to produce – not only the campaign itself, but designing each individual offering (talks, courses, readings) and promoting all of them. That has been in alignment for me the last two years and you came through and energized me in return with your support!! But this year I am feeling something different. I’ve been making more time and space for myself to write, grieve, and unravel layers of my self – the extra layers of conditioning or trauma that mask the deeper essence within me (the deeper essence we all have). Some of the […]