With Responsibility Comes Power: Astrology of 1/29 - 2/4 - Sabrina Monarch
In light of this week’s transits, there is a major theme around responsibility when it comes to our perception and our processing of what is happening around us. Mercury (how we think, organize, synthesize information) in Capricorn (a Saturn-ruled sign related to natural reality laws like gravity, and different types of cause and effect) is and has been making dynamic aspects to Mars, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, giving us all a lot to process around the question of “in what ways am I responsible for this?” And likewise, “what isn’t mine?” It’s easy to feel into then how Libra forms a natural square to Capricorn, because of the tension of approaching this question of responsibility brings out the scales, the deliberation, the judgements, of what is mine and what is yours, what is mine and what is society’s, and what have been the consequences? Where is there more room to be creative, to relate, to these dynamics of social cause and effect? If we take into account a multidimensional reality configured also with other beings with free will and centuries of cultural conditioning, the discernment of what responsibility looks like inside of this web is a Hero’s Journey type of […]