Mercury enters Cancer this week and we have a more dramatic transit of Mars in Pisces squaring retrograde Venus in Gemini. Hard aspects between Venus and Mars can be dramatic because they bring up active tensions and conflicts in relationship, and with Venus also being retrograde this can also intensify the quality of shifts happening in our relationships. Likewise, Venus-Mars contacts can also heighten attraction, as well as the courage to engage in courtship. There is a difference between passively liking someone and making one’s affection known.
Watch the video version of this forecast on YouTube, or read below:
If we place this dynamic with Venus in Gemini and Mars in Pisces, we are looking at conflict or chemistry around perspective/point-of-view and fantasy. In one of its worst expressions, this could be gaslighting and asserting that another person’s experience is “all in their head”. To some extent, fantasy is running high at the moment and we may have distorted perspectives, and we may have jumped to highly imaginative conclusions. If our relationships are collaborative, instead of competitive, we may actually work to come to mutual understanding. If we accomplish this, it is likely that both or all parties involved can be transformed in mind and heart. If we are open to our assumptions not being correct, and open to being surprised by people, and open to allowing another person to reveal themselves (and not have them fit into our projections), our relations may take on a beautiful, nearly exalted quality at this time.
If our relationships are running on a competitive level, the Venus-Mars alignment could manifest as arguments about whose perspective is true. If one party manages to dominate the other, or one party just acquiesces and gives up, it can create a rupture in the connection at this time. It does not mean it cannot be repaired, but it may signal an underworld journey where the sense of connection ‘goes under’ – perhaps to return and even deepen later if there is a change of heart. Relationships can open up some of our deepest soulwork, and not all peacemaking or harmonizing can happen because of one conversation. Perhaps there is a deeper pattern at play or clashes of personality. These dynamics can take time, even if both parties are willing. We could even look at conflicts in our lives as spiritual initiations and become curious about what we are learning here and what integrity and alignment looks like for us within how we navigate the conflict.
One of the lessons of Venus retrograde is learning more about how to source love from within. It is Venus’ shadow side to over-give as a way of trying to get, or to be other-focused at the expense of one’s own needs and rhythms. When we truly practice self-love and self-care, it also restores harmony to our relationships.

Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the vibe feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox, sign up for my mailing list here. This is also a great way to stay in the loop about special offerings and to be notified when Evolutionary Astrology Intensive opens up for enrollment!
Here’s our week in more detail, after a few announcements:
Kickstarter coming June 2020: June will begin the sixth year of writing these weekly forecasts and I’ll be asking for your support to crowdfund the year ahead. I’ll be offering astrology readings, discounted tuition to my Evolutionary Astrology course, and more. These forecasts have long been free and providing so much value to many people’s lives, and I truly need the support of you as my community to thrive. (Consider me like public radio!) I aim to keep sharing valuable free content for years to come and I ask for your help achieving a salary for the consistent high-value content I share with the public. This will be my first Kickstarter – please help me make it a success!

As I’m preparing for the upcoming June Kickstarter to crowdfund the 6th year of content creation, I’m gathering some offerings I am so excited to share! For one of my offerings, I’ve got something really close to my heart and my expertise:
Creating an online brand that becomes something real in the world.
And because the Leo ✨🦁✨ mysteries are important to me, I’ve put a spin on this offering that has *secretly* kept me entertained for the last 5+ years in my online persona cultivation process: a meditation upon performance art.
Meditating on the concept of “performance art” has given me a layer of detachment and play around what it means to express myself online. Perform literally means “carry out, accomplish, or fulfill” or “present (a form of entertainment) to an audience”. Creating a successful online brand requires both the capacity to “carry out” a message and to communicate or present to an audience.
How does this relate to your soul’s work here? For those of you who are spiritual entrepreneurs of some kind, the transmission you share publicly works best for everyone involved when it is in alignment with who you are. There needs to be a bridge between your inner-visions and how you fulfill those visions into reality. So I call that “performance”.
This course is for you if you KNOW you have something of value to offer to the world, if you offer services virtually or market your services online, and you’re still not comfortable expressing yourself on the internet or you feel weird about having a “personal brand” BUT you’re ready to change that and feel super empowered about how you exist on the internet.
We will cover brand messaging, coming from a place of providing value, content creation strategies that make online expression easier & more fun, the courage to come out, how to network from a place of alignment, empowered sales, creating online infrastructure, the inner psychological path of having a public life, and how to rally your community to support and be invested in the value that you share with them.

New episode of Magic of the Spheres: I had a conversation with Téo Montoya of Human Design Readings about human design, which is a channeled system that offers people insight into their unique makeup and strategy for life.If you haven’t heard of Human Design, you can look up your human design chart at . This episode is directed at people new to human design or anyone who just wants more perspective on the human design aura types: human design is a fairly complex system and in this episode we focused on the basics of the different types – generator, manifesting generator, projector, reflector, and manifestor. So if you don’t already know your human design type, you can go look it up at Jovian archive and maybe dive down a research rabbit hole after this episode!
Téo Montoya is a Lipan Apache(Ndé) Writer and Human Design Analyst. He was first initiated into the Human Design system 7 years ago by his mentor Jagruti, who was taught by and worked with the Human Design founder Ra Uru Hu. In 2019 Teo launched his HumanDesignReadings business, and began formally holding both foundational and advanced sessions. He synthesizes the archetypal underpinnings of depth psychology, jungian studies, and Process Work with the human design system, focusing on helping others embody and live out the story of their unique archetypal blueprint.
Tune in where you listen to podcasts or on your browser here!
Here’s our week:
May 28, 2020
Mercury enters Cancer: 11:09 AM PDT

(Image: based off the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto)
Mercury leaves its home sign of Gemini and enters water sign Cancer, where it will later station retrograde on June 17. At a very practical level, now is the time to make space for simple maintenance tasks you already know need tending to (like an oil change, a particular errand, etc.) as they are likely to be more straightforward now, and a little bit more of a winding process later.
- Mercury in Cancer emphasizes emotional intelligence and the capacity to name and process what we are feeling. This placement also highlights communication skillsets around being caring with people’s vulnerabilities (ours and others).
- Mercury will station retrograde on June 17 at 14 degrees of Cancer, just barely having entered an opposition to Pluto in 24 degrees of Capricorn. With Pluto in Capricorn relating to unconscious dynamics around authority and the development of one’s deep authority, one dynamic that may be very present in the field is that of people feeling victimized about how others are ‘making’ them feel. Within this is the shadow-work of discovering where we have given our power away. Within how we narrate the events that are unfolding, it is important that we take ownership of our side as much as possible and that we be mindful of the tendency to project.

(Image: Marjorie Miller – Queen of the Night)
- Understanding how we are feeling is a crucial step in taking care of ourselves at deeper levels. The things we have not allowed ourselves to feel – that we feel is too much, too difficult, or too distracting – have a way of showing up through sideways channels. The more we can be with ourselves and feel things fully – the more our emotions can move and stagnant situations can transform. Take note that there are already heavy influences in the sky (Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn) that much more prefer to be in control, to be composed, and to compartmentalize any messy emotion, so actually feeling certain things that are personally taboo for us to feel may be some of what the messenger Mercury wants to accomplish in Cancer, and it may feel uncomfortable – and/or profoundly relieving.
May 29, 2020
Sun in 8 Gemini sextile Chiron in 8 Aries: 6:57 AM PDT

(Image: Wesley Sueker, Min Jin Lee)
- This transit is like a window into the freedom we feel when we approach situations in life with beginner’s mind, when we feel light and unfettered by the weight of our own identity. This transit has a quality to it like making friends while traveling abroad, and we follow their influence into adventures we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves (or alternately, hosting a traveler and doing this for them).
- Try taking some moments to engage your environment as though you were seeing it for the first time, or court the side of you that is a wanderer, whose life is a living oracle – whose simple experiences and conversations could be part of a movie or a novel. When your life presents you with more things to be fascinated by, the great question is were these things here all along or did they emerge because the Universe knew you were paying attention and wanted to dialogue back with you?
June 2, 2020
Mars in 14 Pisces square Venus retrograde in 14 Gemini: 5:41 PM PDT

(Image: “In the Artist’s Studio” 1875 – Julius LeBlanc Stewart)
Hard aspects (such as the square) between Venus and Mars can both be very steamy and discordant. Mars is conjunct Ceres (an asteroid that relates to underworld journeying and the myths of Demeter, Persephone, and Hades). Here are some thoughts:
- Venus retrograde in Gemini can be currently related to relationship dynamics where the same “objective” situation is interpreted differently by each party involved. While this is always the case, at the moment these interpretations may be wildly different tales from one another. Mars in Pisces brings in a forcefulness of fantasy, such that our own narrative tint at any given moment might feel especially compelling – and others, theirs.
- This dynamic does not bode well for conversations within intimate relationships geared toward parceling out which perspective is right. Even if one party manages to win, it is not likely to support trust and connection if there is a win-lose result.
- A spiritual opening of this transit is expanding our capacity to hold different versions of the same story (our own and whose we are relating with) and come to a place of dynamic collaboration when possible/desired. We may need to be willing to adjust our story when new information appears. We may feel pleased and understood when others do the same for us. Something that builds a bridge in connection right now is clearing up misunderstandings and then forgiving the image or the fantasy that we created about the other person, if we did cast them in a role they are actually innocent of.
- We may feel pulled under to difficult places emotionally when we are seeking to build bridges of connection with people who, for whatever reason, do not want to or cannot entertain our point of view. This can create ruptures in the connection, which can be repaired, parties willing. Keep in mind that your own stubbornness to engage another point of view can also create rupture at this time – it may do you good to seek empathy and understanding which is not the same as taking ownership that another person’s claims (such as if you are being blamed for something) are true. In this example, it’s at least just true that the other person feels that way.
- In general, there is the possibility that we recently felt pulled under by our fantasies with Mars in Pisces conjunct Ceres in Pisces – a dynamic which is now separating and lessening in influence but peaked last week. It’s possible that we saw people in lights that felt disturbing to us, and this revealed some of our own shadow-work journey and healing processes. While Mars in Pisces feels more like a drop of ink that affects the whole vessel of water (and thus, once the water is ‘tainted’ the impression holds), Venus in Gemini has a capacity to shake things off and let the dynamic move forward.
- One of the common manifestations of Venus retrograde is a desire to go within and to have more space (from others) and sometimes the cue of this internal rhythm is that we feel more irritable or we feel more discordant because we are starting to itch for that space. If this is coming up for you and you are committed, you might want to inform the other(s) of your need for alone time and reassure them of your love.

(Image: Mandy (2018) directed by Panos Cosmatos)
- On the steamier side of this transit (we’ve already discussed the discord), we may be exploring the ways that we generate abundance and eroticism in our lives from the inside-out. That simply by cultivating a more erotic perception, or taking the time to tune into what turns us on, life seems to reflect us by flowering with more circumstances and images that compel us. Naturally when we are this receptive to seeing richness and beauty, others (who are open to connection) like how they feel around us because they sense or know they are being admired.
- Hard Mars-Venus aspects also create friction and dynamism around courtship, and giving and receiving. The chemistry of aligned desire can be effervescent, transcendent, explosive.
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! I really appreciate you being here with me as I know that if you connect to this writing we have likemindedness and that is so special. Please share this article with a friend who you think would resonate!
I welcome and accept tips for this forecast – my Venmo is @SabrinaMonarch and Cashapp $SabrinaMonarch as well. Thank you!
Please let me know what you think in the comments – truly I want to know so leave a note! I love you and you are soul family to me, thank you for finding your way to these words and resonating with them in whatever ways you have.
If you enjoy these forecasts and would like more personalized guidance re your personal astrology, I would love to read your natal chart and transits for you! If you would like me to explore the themes in your chart, book a reading with me here.
I meditate on charts before the reading and combine my knowledge of astrology with my clairvoyant abilities to offer you some insights about themes you are working with in this life based on prior lives, and what is the evolutionary purpose of this lifetime. I recorded an episode on my podcast recently titled Befriending your Intuition and Clairvoyance if you’d like to learn more about my relationship with clairvoyance along with tips for increasing yours!
I can work with your specific questions and shed light on ongoing issues or patterns you would like to shift, as well! Book with me here.
I’m also becoming increasingly expressive on instagram, so go find me there @sabrinamonarch and say hello! I’m posting content there that I don’t share anywhere else and I love interacting with you there as well as on twitter @sabrina_monarch.
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
Sabrina Monarch is a soul-centered Evolutionary Astrologer who publishes weekly astrological forecasts, works with clients and teaches. She is a novelist and has a M.A. in Philosophy, Cosmology and Consciousness from the California Institute of Integral Studies.
(image of monarch butterflies coming out of envelope by @chthonicbacchae)
(Top Image: Detail from Elijah Fed by the Raven by Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo)
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