Daily Horoscopes

June 22, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: Wellness practices, health of the body and home are important today. There is a lot of energy for creative endeavors too and in general – high energy levels. Staying busy and applying yourself and taking care of yourself will equal awesome results. Spontaneity is most likely part of the weather for you and it offers lovely things like romance and greater abundance.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: The Moon in Virgo is pretty grand for you – since it falls in your house of creativity and romance. Tending to small details – not a problem. More like a height of creative accomplishment in direct relationship and exchange with your most individualized expression of self.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Emotional sorting re larger themes of your life of the last few years like career can occur today. Is it intense? Only in the best ways. Your ability to see things in a widened perspective is heightened, and humor is one of the lens to be sure.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: The time is now, if any, to get radically realistic about how you’re cultivating your creativity in the world (so, ideal career situation). Glimpses of the future are available today. And the future ripples into the past – meaning, if you know what you’re headed toward, you’re going to take the small steps to create it today. It doesn’t have to be the ultimate or the end-arrival. Just what makes you happy and calls you now.


Leo/Leo Rising: Go in nature – don’t be a broody kitty. You are feeling extra aware, extra awake… don’t mistake! Enjoyment is to be had today in abundance. Wisdom and insights distill. Watch the flow and you will feel it as the water that fills your cup.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: Looking into all things with love as the ultimate connector and underlying power – it’s not a small endeavor yet is found in the simplest of ways. It is in your court already, and with that attitude/lens there is much to be gained, a revolution of the heart, mind and spirit.


Libra/Libra Rising: The Jupiter-Uranus vibes couldn’t be any more about radical authenticity as the most epic magnet for luck, abundance, and romance… you just do you to the 9’s and the resonant people come and cross your way. It’s like magic, but it’s just the way! You will see how small things have large influences, too.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: It becomes so much more a matter of doing what you love, than doing what you think you are supposed to do – either way, there is a lot of work but it’s a matter of effort versus craft. When you do what you love (craft), the details seem to fall into place of their own accord rather than by rigid efforts. Let your love be the compass of how you direct your energies, and see what comes of it.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: The more jovial and humorous your outlook, the more awesome your downloads/serendiptious encounters with intrigue are. This is standard Sagittarius magic but in full blast today because of the Jupiter – Uranus trine… be merry! Charge up that magic like a solar battery.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Acting on your truth is a game-changer. While some resources are tied up with a required performance, if the whole arrangement has to be held up with sticks, it’s not as sturdy as you would really like it to be. This isn’t about making a huge decision necessarily, with the Moon in Virgo favoring micro adjustments. Test out small, constructive changes first and see what you find.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Speaking impulsively is generally not advised, right, but today such a thing is linked to greater abundance in love and relationships. But it’s more about communicating authentically, and letting the Universe play matching games for you based on your real vibe, instead of adjusting for what is only visible already.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: Your best time with yourself can come from following your instincts about what it is you want to create and cultivate that is really unique to YOU. Your attention to the details and making good on your craft only heightens this very private experience of bliss. It will begin to attract others the more it develops and fruits.


June 21, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: The vibe shifts from energetic and all over the place to more condensed, fluid, and cozy. Yet there is still a lot of activity – you’re just a level deeper in the groove. Don’t quit progressing just cause of that though, you leveled up and now keep up the hard work! But now there is extra comfort to assist your process. Knock stuff off your to-do list for extra enjoyment of tomorrow.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: Whatever creative visions and urges emerged from the Leo Moon now take to some more development via detail work with Luna in Virgo. Have faith in your process – you are sorting out how you feel in relation to various forms of vision. The ideals seek the same feeling in practice as they do in conceptualization.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: As the Sun moves into Cancer and the Moon Virgo, the mood for you slows down considerably. The action-packed season has now come to a time for greater integration via inner-cultivation of what you learned. With this slowness, focusing on one or two projects becomes remarkably easier. The creative juice is still distilling..


Cancer/Cancer Rising: The Sun draws near to you – it’s your solar season now and it just feels right. The collective vibe shifts toward a realm your most familiar with making your instincts and impulses pretty on point and relevant. The Moon graces your house of communication, at the same time you may feel the need for it relative to important relationships.


Leo/Leo Rising: Heightened sensitivities today around other realms, extended vision, spirit connection, as well as the interior world, and where the two overlap. An intentional vibe of peacefulness and leisure added in and you’re golden.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: Instinctual feelings emerge today and are related to greater insights of this next month. It’s a matter of letting that emotional flow, as subjective as it is, show you what is objective for you… it becomes apparent what you need and what your next steps are in accordance with that.


Libra/Libra Rising: Career mojo begins now, more officially, though you felt some hints of it coming on. Your ability to make people feel at ease is so highly valued while the Sun is in Cancer and everyone is feeling more connected to the emotional body. Virgo Moon helps you connect to a service mindset at the same time this transition occurs.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Go outside! The vibe favors some extraversion but also being in nature… the results are greater insights and seeing things from a detached (and therefore) broader view. After a heaver time with the Sun passing through your Soul sector, the light begins to shine now in your house of philosophy and… humor, levity.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Things are shifting to deeper waters for you, meaning you are going to learn a lot. And at the same time as this shift the Moon in Virgo enters your Saturn house – lending you some emotional discernment and responsibility. Keep health focused, emotionally, by keeping a good future perspective as you do, and you get shined up.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: In large ways some balance is restored after a season of a lot of work and effort… now things come easier momentum-wise. Relationships and teamwork will be important with this. Today brings to your attention ways in which you are to now refine your philosophies. The shift will feel easy, and will meet your efforts with results.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: You’ve got a magnifying glass on yourself today, at the same time the Moon travels into your Soul sector. Before things get weird, remember to treat yourself with dignity as you would others. This time is useful re self-knowledge, but not to be carried away with unconsciously and in the darker recesses of thought.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: And the love is flowing brighter – which makes for a happy and elated you. Your fires are stoked, and the Virgo Moon only suggests discernment. Romance is abundant, but you are special. Venus is still in your Virgo house and will be all of next month too. You have time and when it’s right, you’ll know.


“New Dress”

June 20, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: The palette is largely determined by your perception, and today is a day like no other to turn your gaze to beauty and all things pleasurable… feel yourself in that alignment with royal graces, no matter your visible resources. You’ve got to know what awesome things are coming to invite them in.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: A creative identity means you choose who you are based on what pleases you instinctually, what your imagination yearns for. The creative forces to build your identity from the inside are here with you today en masse, and you’re as epic as you allow.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Amidst recognizing your own power in greater ways, your mental activity is in creative flux – what you assign value to is easily changeable right now. You may experiment with different ideas and when you get the right one you will feel the light come on, so don’t give up before that reward.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: The external appearances can require certain things to function… much activity is happening for you right now about how you are feeling within and how you are stoically or rigidly performing without. You want the structures to support inner-happiness, both have to agree with the other. The shorter transit is about that internal state, so listen for insights today about what you really need.


Leo/Leo Rising: When unknown directions call, you feel up the call the more secure you feel. Or you feel more comfortable rejecting things that aren’t right for you, because you have increased self-knowledge. This is the part of the path right now – inner fortitude. What is really important to you, what do you want to allow in your sphere? You are more than qualified to build this. Don’t let a heightened attention to detail tell you otherwise!


Virgo/Virgo Rising: If you had more power than you thought to envision and manifest the kind of life you want, what would you see? The portal of dreams is wide open… and it is not just a siren call or some kind of illusion. What you feel there is real, it’s vision.


Libra/Libra Rising: You have it all within.. you only need to expand and develop it. Feel your blueprint – who you are without external conditioning, society, influences… what is the most true about you? That’s your diamond, and the more it sees the day, the more others do and the more your tribe comes together. How do you lift it out, expose the facets?


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: All the blocks are your own… and you’re burning through them now, as they surface and you understand the lesson and let it go. There’s a lot to be said for positive construction at the same time – what are you building that is for your bliss, as you let go of that which holds you back?


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: So we’re not always the ones in control… but there is a lot that is in our power. Where have you drawn those lines? Very likely you have some room to address where your power is, and let your philosophies encourage your process by being in support of your creativity’s role in the equation of how your reality gets constructed.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Ability to detach from what is unnecessary – or detach from imaginary blockages. You are positioned to be in tune with the inner-light, and see just how it emerges and what you need to do to facilitate that. Amazing things for your future and creative growth are being lifted out from your subconscious. Breathe and enjoy.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Epic career and relationship day. Conflicts can surface and be resolved; you possess the graces to do so. Your peace making skills and sense of justice, if applied today, can bring luck. You are sensitive to others and people are wanting to feel like they’re doing a good job, including you. Keep this in mind.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: The luck is in the details.. creating a further and further refined way of life, and it shows.. you positively glow from putting the work in. Your ability to keep up the efforts with endurance is also making you glow. Think radically positive and you are cultivating a better life for yourself, making decisions that future you thanks you for.

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