September 8, 2015
Aries/Aries Rising: Potent day of healing, and not without creative tension. Your ruling planet makes both an exact inconjunct to Chiron and an exact trine to Uranus – you are evolving quickly, sparking a strength in the heart that equates to freedom. You have passions. But you’re finding freedom through not attaching yourself to the outcome.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: What is compelling your heart at an urgent level right now does also compel you to take it up a notch in your connectivity to self and to spirit. And to be able to view what is unfolding through increasingly transcendent lenses, while still honoring the process that is here, now.
Gemini/Gemini Rising: There is a fusion between Higher Mind and your actions today, when you tune into the alignment of that quick kind of intuition. Your impulses then can very well be a translation of what is ready to emerge now – when it is rooted in the heart, the potentials are magnificent.
Cancer/Cancer Rising: Great career insights and career shifts – if not outwardly, in your orientation toward them. There is more awareness of what you want, as well as fertile room to begin cultivating space for the fruition of those dreams over time. Your world of action is a collection of seeds.
Leo/Leo Rising: As the Moon finishes transiting through Cancer, there is a washing away, bringing tenderness deeply into the interspaces of your vision. The Moon enters your sign and brings on a compelling force for coming out of this womb-like state and into actions that further your realization. Both phases are to be enjoyed.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: A compelling sense of objectivity is showing you new actions that can be taken in direction of something more deeply motivating you at this time. When you tune into the flow, aligning with the right actions is really easy and freeing – this is definitely a day to work with the current.
Libra/Libra Rising: A strength in perpetual becoming and embodying – seeing a quality you desire and getting to better know the process of your union with that. A check in today with that process of self-creation… how much is the flow open? Fortifying, but not constricting… disciplined, but not without the original magic. Deep opening to tune into baseline values.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: The regality of your life is building – Mars (lower octave of your ruling planet) spending so much time in your house of career, where Venus has also now gone direct, and both are zinging off of Uranus in your house of alignment, details, micro-focuses. Epic is now. Epic is in all the little things.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: This Soul Moon has you delving deeper into the force of creative innovation in your life, and your ability to feel into it with the intuition. There is an expansion of will at this time making for creative momentum as you act on that most individual calling and create.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: A lot of healing to be had in your interaction with others today – whether you are the one reaching out for help or you find yourself in a position to help, an integration from unresolved past (yours or other’s) is turning into innovation now as you spread your magic. It might just be listening.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: ‘Active listening’ is key magic for the day. And sharing. It is setting of TONS of neural connections that are out of this world. So is the potential for creative collaboration of all types, opening up your world and inspiring new magic beyond what you already pull off alone.
Pisces/Pisces Rising: The creative potentials of today are illustrious – feel it? You are cycling energy of personal innovation. If you have any grief, now is a good time to put into practice transmuting it by allowing it to show you what is actively ready to be healed. Creating something isn’t just good for your soul, but your mundane wellbeing also.
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