
New Moon in Libra

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This New Moon in Libra heralds a new illumination of the relationships in our lives within the context of both our own individuation as well as what we can accomplish specially with another. This New Moon is in a last quarter square to Pluto which implies that any efforts to control an outcome are subject to dissolving. The relationships we find ourselves drawn to at the time have an affect of shaking up our sense of conduct – what exactly we think relationship needs to look like, versus what the relationship actually wants to look like.

One way to think of this is simply that to have love for another person creates a need to have a story, and we think that our love needs to be returned in a specific way for us to continue to explore the relationship. This relates also to the dynamic of how we discern giving and withholding based on these rules, which we are discovering at the moment are not actually often relevant.

Anything we are feeling toward another person is a mirror toward a dimension we are learning of ourselves. Each relationship that compels us in any way is an invitation for deeper Soul work. If you are loving, then keep loving, and if you are being loved, allow this. It’s that simple. The form it will take comes from that love.. It may be no form at all, or it may be a large storyline in the next stage of your life.

Mercury in Libra has recently gone direct, and is in sextile to Saturn in Sagittarius. It is also conjunct the North Node in Libra, and so the North Node and Saturn are sextiling as well. Sextiles are aspects that are harmonious but that require conscious effort to utilize the richness of the connection. So –

This is officially a great time to talk things out.

When it doesn’t seem to be the time or if the space externally has not yet made way, this is a time to talk things out with yourself one final time (for now). Get clear about your feelings, about your triggers, and about why you are feeling what you are feeling – without trying to obstruct or control, or alter those emotions. Soon enough you will have a piece of self-wisdom that the emotion was coming to tell you (sometimes urgently, like a inner-child).

Then when the time is right, or if you must pave out the time intentionally or invite the other to this, you may become clear about what your intentions are together. What kind of alternate reality does your relationship afford the two of you, a vast world of your own making that only exists because of the union of your energies? This space exists and has as many mysteries as an individual does. It’s something worth exploring together.

So often our culture overlooks the heart of relationship alchemy by having at the ready a set of rules or restrictions for it, without asking the relationship itself why it is here.


For personalized support, book a chart reading/guidance session.

(Art: Victo Ngai)

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