September 15, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Good shifts come today from sharing your feelings – Moon Mercury conjunct in your house of relationships. Your ideas and needs can…
September 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A key spiritual rebalancing – there is a conversation. All you need to do is ask. You are also finding ways of adding balance…
This week holds a few significant transits, all on the 17th – we’ll have Jupiter in Virgo in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces, Mercury stationing…
September 14 – 20, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: The magic is in the process right now. You may notice that time is accelerating or passing more pleasantly when…
(René Magritte) Chiron as the Initiate The upcoming New Moon Eclipse in Virgo forms an opposition to Chiron in Pisces. Beyond the interpretation of wounded healer,…
September 11 – 13, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: The biggest irritants of Virgo season so far is that stress of worry or anxiety after some time of feeling…
September 10, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: The Dark Leo Moon = nourishing your yin through feel good self-romance, letting go into the deeper heart space offered in oneness…
This upcoming New Moon in Virgo September 12, 2015 11:41 PM (PST) is also an eclipse. This is a window that is closing and reopening into…
September 9, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A few illusions to break – ones that, consequently, get in the way of your happiness. But they are needing to be…