July 1, 2015
Aries/Aries Rising: Looking for the most spiritually satisfying way to accomplish your career goals AND be a happy person. Kind of a strange cultural myth that this is super difficult. It is challenging, however it involves a sufficient amount of faith. When you’re true to you, you pave out new roads in the Universe, that’s all. Just ones people haven’t seen yet, hence why they call it impossible.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: Harvest Moon (Full Moon) in the house of philosophy and where you’ve been experiencing Pluto in Cap. Think greater security in your ideas and beliefs as well as a greater amount of love in all your interactions… when it comes to people you can see the forest through the trees, you may speak different languages but the same tongue, and your compassion reaches.
Gemini/Gemini Rising: The Full Moon exposes where you can expand through deep connection. There is an amount of comfort on your own but now a new opening is showing itself to you. Regard this as something special to love, not as something to judge or escape from. It’s a seed for the future.
Cancer/Cancer Rising: Commitments and obligations in relationships can come into vision at the same time as a desire for freedom. Past the moment of crisis the integration point is how can relationships share values that allow for both people to feel free? Another outcome – increased strength of relationships based on a fruition of positive history.
Leo/Leo Rising: Why did they temper the Venus-Jupiter conjunction with a Capricorn Moon? In your case it serves as a focusing agent. The mood is excitable and jovial, yet before you jump into something you are rad with your levels of keen discernment, surrendering to the path of what you really want in faith.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: Increased creativity or a type of creative harvest. The Venus – Jupiter conjunction happens in your solar twelfth house, so you may not *see* all of its manifestations yet but may feel an increased sense of possibility in your endeavors. There can be a need today to show up for what your heart wants versus how you think you are supposed to feel.
Libra/Libra Rising: Illumination of how public roles or appearances/work obligations, etc. are affecting you on a personal level. Whatever knowledge you gain from this can be applied to more satisfying ways of moving through necessary systems moving forward. There is expansion to be had for doing things your own way, and this Full Moon triggers new self-awarenesses relative to that cause.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: The Sun excavates entrenched ideas and thought forms through this Full Moon and, handily offers an opportunity for creative nourishment to fill in the new spaces. Think manifesting, you find the pieces that don’t ‘work’ and rewrite the code for additional abundance, love, success.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Certain modes of self-reliance are showing room for change in the form of exchanging resources instead. Your ideas are growing and all you need to keep going on positive trajectories is trust in Source supply. You feel and think of what you need, and it appears – Sagg magic for sure.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Linking up with others is of extra luck and serious $$$ potential. Just be sure the people of interest are not just all talk. A new era of teamwork and cooperation is beginning – you’ve gone as far on the road solo as you can before the getting is better together.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Habits you’ve gotten comfortable with now can illuminate the structured result in the realm of your spirit. Now is a time to keep up the good work/make new habits if you’re not happy with the results. Think new values relative to your most current philosophies, and work with them to see results take root. This astro supports the effort.
Pisces/Pisces Rising: Refining your abundance magic. No one said it was easy. It’s definitely an ongoing process until the momentum feedback loops itself. But luckily, this Full Moon comes with some truth illumination, conceptual structures you’ve been abiding by because they worked in the past are recognized as such – think innovation, always.
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