April is a high-pitched buzz of a month – a rapid beating of wings to maintain a hovering position in place. We have the fastest planet Mercury in steady slow Taurus and three new retrogrades (Mars, Pluto and Mercury) join existing Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades… this is like a homestead of an astrological month with a formidable start… you are putting the work in where you eat and sleep – facilitating long-term growth. We are likely to be re-envisioning key structures of our lives; doing things differently, innovating, locking into deeper awarenesses as we travel back in archetypal time via these five retrogrades (Mars, Pluto, Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn moving backwards against the constellation belt from the perspective of Earth… hitting back over recent celestial resonances, like cosmic deja vu).
Visually, all of the planets are bathing in starlight from specific constellations – or the starlight from those constellations are intercepted by a planet before they hit Earth. Astrology is the study of correlation between these celestial placements and phenomenon on Earth. All of the planetary retrogrades of this month are certain star lights coming into greater focus – the lens sharpening, twisting forward and back as the lights get brighter, really grounding in the vibrations we’ve been experiencing of late instead of moving in one linear direction along the constellation belt.
Strategies for this retrograde-heavy energy – how to not find it aggravating (if you are of the impatient variety) and how to lock into its zen are in the forecast… the Sun will be in the most impatient of signs until the 19th – Aries- but Aries is daring and excellent at executing missions if it knows what it is doing in the bigger picture and isn’t just acting from straight up impulse w/o deeper intention.
Cue in strategy. Mars moving backwards is all kinds of martial art…
We don’t fear or dread retrogrades at Monarch Astrology, ever. They are far too beneficial.
(Image: Nicole Gustafsson)
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