Starting off with a Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Saturn, we may be feeling called this week to prioritize and get serious about things in our lives that require our discipline and commitment. By being emotionally sensitive to the pressures we feel at this time, we can be guided toward making responsible decisions. Responsibility implies a code of values – we are being responsible to something. This can be where we feel a ripening: perhaps more clarity on what we are committed to in an emotionally-connected sense (versus in an obligatory, internalized conditioning way). With the Sun involved, it may very well a responsibility to our creative potential – making choices that engender better realities for ourselves and those we come into contact with. This can occur whether we have a clear vision of what we are moving toward or we just know that something in our lives has become dysfunctional and we decide to move away from it and clear up space for something else.
Emotional maturity through the lens of Moon in Capricorn could be understanding that discipline and commitment to something does yield solid fruits — so it is best to apply our commitment to what we actually are in resonance with and to do so consistently, organically changing as needed. It can also be about having an emotional peace in our lives when it comes to addressing the hardness of life, not expending extra emotional energy on dramatizing it. Hardness exists for everyone in different forms. When we learn to cooperate with our own particular challenges in life rather than resist them, our challenges become allies that shape us into more realized versions of ourselves.
Shortly after the Full Moon, Mercury moves into Leo and squares Uranus in Taurus. So in combination with being responsible/sober with all this Saturn energy and tending to our foundations, a lot of dynamic movement is coming in regarding our creativity and the fun and romantic dimensions of life. Not that Saturn doesn’t have it’s. 🙂
Read more about the week below. If you’re new here, sign up to my mailing list to receive the weekly forecasts to your inbox. You’ll also receive a mini e-book on Mars retrograde in Aquarius (a transit happening now) when you sign up!
(Top image: Caitlin Hackett)
June 27
Sun in 5 Cancer opposite Saturn in 5 Capricorn: 6:27 AM PDT
(I wrote about this in last week’s forecast as well, under the June 21 Sun entering Cancer section, so just as a recap I’m excerpting it here in italics, with new info below it –
As the Sun will be opposing either Saturn or Pluto in Capricorn for the duration of its stay in Cancer, there can be some challenges and opportunities around our emotional development. Consider the words of Clarissa Pinkole Estes: “The difference between comfort and nurture is this: if you have a plant that is sick because you keep it in a dark closet, and you say soothing words to it, that is comfort. If you take out of the closet and put in the sun, give it something to drink, and then talk to it, that is nurture.”
In our own lives, the archetype of nurture is universally important. But when we don’t know of other options and are just getting by, we do ‘comfort’ ourselves (aligning to to Estes’ definition). Be aware of opportunities this Cancer Season to practice nurture where you have been practicing comfort.
Our moment-to-moment sense of happiness and ease can be in a really dynamic relationship this season with life structures, the architecture of our lives. So again, rather than practicing comfort in the midst of a dysfunctional or non-resonant situation, consider structural constructive shifts within your reach, that you can make that foster your moment-to-moment sense of wellbeing.
Additionally, continuing to make these within-reach constructive shifts to our lives opens up more and more of the same, and a domino effect can occur where we begin to shift our creativity energy toward enhancing life where we were before only coping. These shifts don’t even have to come from a place of already having it together – it’s more like being a plant who moves toward the Sun; that which will help it grow.
While depression or lethargy would be possible with Sun opposite Saturn, this can also be an indicator of a time where we have to take more responsibility for our wellbeing. (Like, instead of feeling good by default, you have to do something to help yourself. As a result, there is more feedback around this time of what activities and practices improve our sense of wellbeing.)
It might constellate in our lives that we feel a sense of purpose (Saturn) toward matters of home/family/nourishment. Also, in any endeavors where we do need to be responsible and disciplined, we may find we actually get a lot farther along in our ambitions when we are taking care of ourselves along the way, rather than self-negating in order to get the work done.
(Image: Edmund Dulac, Birth of the Pearl)
Full Moon in 5 Capricorn: 9:52 PM PDT
The Moon in Capricorn is conjunct Saturn in Cap and trine Uranus in Taurus. Chiron in Aries squares the Full Moon axis.
Intuitive discoveries emerge/peak around how to do something in our lives more efficiently; such as pursue a goal or take care of our emotional health. This can come from being willing to examine a problem but having a sort of emotional command over it – dealing with it, but not being consumed by it. Moon in Capricorn points to our ability to control our emotions.
Compartmentalizing emotions (by not dealing with them at the time they are the most volatile) is a process that indicates the presence of time. On some level, emotions have to be processed. Whether we process them unconsciously or unconsciously, emotions can live inside of us stagnantly or pass through us, or transform within us. You might take note during this time if old emotions or themes from the past have become ripe, such as you now have the ability/maturity/perspective/wisdom/etc. to confront them. Just because we have to process emotions somehow doesn’t mean they have to be processed the second they arrive. Capricorn speaks to the wisdom of timing and the way that themes ripen over time!
A potential for the arrival of hindsight: for themes from the past to come into focus and make sense, and for this to be incredibly healing. Along with this might come perspectives on how during rougher times you were actually on track all along. In terms of conflicts you face now, imagine the future version of yourself who has discovered the meaning/solution to it. Just because things don’t seem to be working doesn’t necessarily mean we are off the track – it’s more like we are in a kind of tunnel.
Time heals. And it feels so graceful to get onto the other side. If you’re not on the other side and you are still actively feeling hurt about something, some of Saturn’s magic is to do something useful in the interim, like helping others or learning a new skill. Tune into what is available to you to cultivate within your reality. Because things will change eventually, you might as well bring something fruitful into the next stage.
If you are in a pattern of being invulnerable and non-receptive (because you just have it together), this might be a good time to become aware of that and to consider ways of becoming more receptive to receiving love and care from others and the world around you.
Formalities might feel really good under this Full Moon… however you may interpret ‘formal’. If it carries an energy of gravitas and emotionally resonates with your sensibilities (as in, not some stale version of formal that’s not real for you)… you’ve got it.
With the Saturn-Moon conjunction at a new cycle together at the moment of the Full Moon, one thing that might be just beginning to take seed form now is a new way of giving and receiving care when there is the exchange that is anything like parent and child (the older, boundary-setter, more experienced and the new, vulnerable, less experienced and more dependent). Just like our early survival depended on being taken care of by others, aspects of ourselves blossom and take form when they are nourished by supportive conditions or supportive others. In an area where we provide support to others, we have the ability to help others blossom. We may find ourselves on either or both sides of this kind of parent-child dyad, though it takes different forms among adults.
June 28
Mercury enters Leo: 10:15 PM PDT
Mercury will be in Leo until September 5, 2018. We have Mercury in Leo for a few months because Mercury will be retrograding July 25 in the later degrees of Leo, and going direct August 18 still in Leo. We’ll have two personal planets (or, inner planets) in retrograde this summer – Mars and Mercury, and from opposite signs. With Mercury in Leo, our information streams become tinted through the sign that has so much to do with expression, creativity, joy, playfulness, romance and radiance. This can be a time where we tend to give and receive more praise and validation to others, as well as a time where we put more voice to what’s on our hearts.
June 30
Mercury in 1 Leo square Uranus in 1 Taurus: 6:01 AM PDT
This can mark a point where in order to really change an embedded structure/pattern that one is contending with changing, new and creative ways of thinking or connecting information will yield development. This necessarily means not being limited to convention and habit, but being open to new streams of information and new inner-dialogues. While a form of play to alter one’s thoughts in this way, it does eventually influence reality if not immediately.
Mercury-Uranus transits in general can point to a sense of feeling wired – there’s an electric kind of buzz around our mental fields; epiphanies, downloads and revelations are accessible. With this particular alignment, there’s an added quality of having a wide variety of choices and not being sure which one to pick – like you are researching something and you can see many paths but are not sure which one to develop. If certain avenues of opportunity really light up your excitement and an inner-child kind of quality, note them. Some of the most inspired ideas around cultivating your reality under this transit could just seem like a lot of fun. Mercury moves in a series of dot-connections, so each choice we take alters the path of which other dots we will then have access to based on our prior steps. Making the space in our lives to pursue what really excites us is a way to be in touch with the Higher Self and to access opportunities that we do not have access to if we ignore those playful signals.
Necessarily at this time, some of these playful signals point to an unknown, or less familiar reality. Know a good opportunity when you see one this week!
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! Please share this article on social media and with your friends!
Want personal guidance? I offer evolutionary astrology readings as well as soulwork sessions. Soulwork is a means through which I can provide guidance to anyone working with a challenging situation, paradox, yearning or existential question – something unresolved in your experience that you want to transform or have breakthrough with.
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
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