The Sun enters Scorpio this week, receiving a conjunction from retrograde Mercury in Scorpio before Mercury slips back into Libra. Venus in Virgo trines Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn before entering her home sign of Libra. With the Sun, Mercury and Venus each changing signs there is a mood shift this week! Power (Scorpio) and relationship (Venus, Libra) are relevant themes. Remember we are in relationship with everything – not just people, but also nonhuman beings, essences, circumstances, and forces. The big question, then, is how do we relate? Have you ever seen two people feed so much resentment and toxicity into their relationship with each other that the bond they created seems so… distorted? Versus, have you ever made the habit of praying over your food and noticed it tasted or digested differently?
Rather than making a moralistic or purity-based argument here of good or bad, I just want to illuminate the way that relationship tints the experience. Even doing our very best, we don’t show up perfect. Our relationships have a way of awakening us to our deepest material. Often the act of peacemaking goes far beyond pleasantness or surface nicety and is an act of spiritual transformation. Look into the resounding implications of where you are seeking to create more beauty and peace in your life – what deeper parts of you does it tug at and awaken?
Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the zeitgeist feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox and be notified of upcoming educational opportunities, sign up for my mailing list here.
There is no YouTube version of this forecast this week, but I’ll be back soon!
Here’s our week, after a few announcements!

Study Evolutionary Astrology with me in January 2021 – enrollment is now open! It’s always an inspiring group of deep thinkers that gather for this class. If you are wanting to learn karmic soul-centered astrology, and go deeper into the astrological craft in both an intuitive and a structured/guided way – and you resonate with these forecasts, you’ll love this course. Learn more, read testimonials, and enroll here.
Level Two Training for Alumni Coming Soon!
I’m developing a new offering for alumni of the Evolutionary Astrology Intensive to deepen their skills in community. It will be an intimate container. Stay tuned for updates!
Astrology Reading Bookings FULL: I am booked out for a little bit, but still taking new clients for ongoing mentorship/coaching (6 month – 1 year commitment). If you’re interested in working with me in that capacity, send me an email at And make sure you’re on my mailing list if you’d like to be informed of when my books open again!

New episode of Magic of the Spheres! On this episode @deepshift and I discussed Michael’s spontaneous spiritual awakening; living with intuition; and the connection between algorithms and magic. We also looked at his chart – Michael is a triple Virgo born at a New Moon. He shared a concept that’s been working magic for me and I suspect will for you as well – of “the main branch” as one’s alignment with purpose. 🦌
Michael Armstrong is a spiritual influencer, entrepreneur and coach for Conscious Creators. He’s the host of the Deep Shift podcast, a show about the awakening of humanity’s infinite potential.
Tune into this episode where you listen to podcasts, or on your browser here.
Here’s our week:
October 21, 2020
Venus in 22 Virgo trine Pluto in 22 Capricorn: 2:03 PM PDT

(Image: Vogue UK March 2019 – Sora Choi by Mert & Marcus)
- There may be increased focus on saying no to what we don’t want (as opposed to saying yes to what we do want). Venus in Virgo highlights discernment in values, while Pluto in Capricorn can connect with a transformation or intensification of boundaries. This might be frustrating for the part of us (and the part of the brain, really) that wants to move toward pleasure or reward.
- Consider however, the secret abundance hidden in the act of declining an opportunity that is not quite right. It is reserving one’s energy for the right connection, which is plentifully available – as opposed to leaking one’s energy on a not-quite-right situation just because one wishes for it to be right, and is willing to accept less than one is worth.
- However, what about the times in life that we are compelled to accept less than we are worth (OR less than we egoically desire) because we feel we need the experience? Experience is often the golden trade, for one who is pursuing a romantic relationship full of red flags, for example – aware enough that it’s not a good idea, but too curious and too desirous of experience to turn it away. Or in work, this could be the concept of humility and “paying one’s dues”. Tricky. In some situations intentional submission is a path of being able to more fully receive opportunities and growth, in others a matter or survival, while in others it can be self-betrayal.
- There are moments in our evolution where we possess the confidence and self-awareness to expect no less than a certain standard, and we magnetically attract what it is at or above this standard. There are other moments in our evolution where we feel we have to submit to some kind of process or alchemical fire *in order to become* worthy. In the case of the latter, attend to not abandoning yourself. Find the power of being mid-metamorphosis and negotiate and stand up for yourself in life as needed.
October 22, 2020
Sun enters Scorpio: 4:00 PM PDT

(Image from a set of Finnish folk tales illustrated by Ukrainian artist, Kateryna Shtanko)
- Scorpio relates to both the deepest changes we undergo and the compulsive grip we keep on staying the same – i.e. transformation versus resistance, or drivenness versus apathy.
- Superficial change (which is really staying the same) can be like playing out the exact same relationship patterns but with different people. Deeper change is unearthing the underlying story or belief that creates that repetitive relationship dynamic – changing it from the root – and then attracting and living out new stories as a result.
- Scorpio correlates with psychology and depth psychology perhaps in part because how can we change these deeper patterns without knowing and understanding the self at a deeper level? Many of these patterns are unconscious, yet they feel as though they overwrite our conscious lives. It drives us to ask questions like, “why do I feel this way? Why do I feel like responding to this particular situation in THIS way? Why do I desire what I desire? Why do I fear what I fear?”
- Scorpio relates with our desire to transcend current limitations by bonding or merging with something else – a person, a symbol, a teaching, a body of knowledge, a particular circumstance, etc – anything that we feel we will be different because of. Even in being here in bodies, the soul has already merged just to be here. And we continue to deepen our incarnation through the bonds that we make. This process of merging is full of complexities (as you might expect…) and opens up many lessons around intentionality, trust, self-esteem, and respect. To break down a little –
- Intentionality – what exactly are you seeking to connect with, and do your beingness and actions align?
- Trust – Do you over or under trust people and situations? (Do you trust someone you hardly know to act a certain way and then feel betrayed when they reveal their nature is otherwise?)
- Self-esteem – when we see value in something or someone outside of ourselves, how do we relate with our own value at the same time?
- Respect – do we seek relationship, or are we really trying to extract or ‘get’?
October 24, 2020
Venus in 25 Virgo trine Saturn in 25 Capricorn: 7:19 AM PDT

(Image: Pandora by John William Waterhouse, 1898)
These are similar themes to Venus aspecting Pluto at the start of the week, especially as it goes with the hidden abundance in saying no. Yet as a reversal, there is also the way that we relate to what is not our preference:
- The theme of how we love through hardship can be up right now. Outside of romantic visions of how we’d like things to be… interruptions, hardships, and undesired experiences crop up and how we relate to these things can say a lot. With ourselves, it can be how we stay in touch with ourselves even when there are parts of ourselves we don’t ‘like’. In relationships, it can be how we continue to build or stay in connection even when things are not ideal.
- This is actually one of the ways Venus-Saturn bonds are created – the sharing of life’s natural hardship. Knowing who shows up in a crisis or in a difficult situation, versus who was more fair-weathered. It is not necessarily to romanticize difficulty in life or to chase it down because of some psychological compulsion. It is how one relates to what is naturally difficult about life and who you have on your team in life that can be with you in those downs. It is how you show up for others.
October 25, 2020
Mercury retrograde in 2 Scorpio conjunct Sun in 2 Scorpio: 11:23 AM PDT

(Image: Ann Dinah Ovenden)
- Be mindful of how you analyze situations where you are missing information – what information do you make up and insert (how do you jump to conclusions)? This reveals your story – your hopes and fears – and this can be informative.
- As a creative opportunity, when you are in a situation with unknown variables (“how is it going to work out?!”) consider your agency in connecting with the best possible outcomes through faith and optimism. If we consider how Scorpio merges, we do merge with our thoughts – so why not choose them more intentionally?
- For anyone who is into positive thinking, it can create a sense of negative thoughts being taboo or not wanting to look at them or admit to them. Negative thoughts need not be taboo – they are so informative. When we are honest with ourselves about what we are actually thinking, we can change our minds, instead of running those scripts at low background levels.
October 27, 2020
Venus enters Libra: 6:41 PM PDT

(Image: @tumintsewa photographed by @ashleymariefoto)
Venus will stay in her home sign of Libra until November 21.
- As a transit, Venus entering her home sign of Libra can relate to an added air of grace and beauty in our lives and events seeming to go subjectively better in the realm of relationship and love. (Yay! 😛)
- Libra is very cultured sign, and can relate to our taste in art, music, and film for example. Take some time this season to enjoy art or enjoy art with people with whom you can discuss it afterward. Taking in art can charm our existence.
Mercury retrograde re-enters Libra: 6:55 PM PDT

Mercury stations direct on November 3, and re-enters Scorpio November 10.
- Mercury began their retrograde in Scorpio, highlighting reassessment around Scorpionic themes. I shared a post on Instagram recently about editing victimization out of one’s self-concept. Empowerment is a huge Scorpio theme, which involves claiming our power in life as opposed to giving it away unconsciously. (Read that post here)
- Mercury re-entering Libra can lighten the field. Like emerging from the water and getting a breath of air (Mercury literally leaving a water sign and into an air sign). However, does taking deeper accountability for ourselves and our shadow content help us create more equal and thriving relationships? Yes! Knowing our power can remove us from unnecessary power games (why play the games if we didn’t give it away in the first place?) and open up the potential for RELATING (not just battling in disguise of relating!). Libra’s diplomacy can take on new depths when we negotiate our desires and preferences from a place of empowerment. It is disempowerment that leads to manipulation, control, and coercion. Empowerment can produce the sexiest invitations, love letters, requests, and offers.
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! If you would like further guidance, I have been increasingly focused on longer-term 1:1 work with my students and clients, in the form of mentorship – helping people form a depth relationship to their natal chart and personal transits over time, to develop themselves, to heal, and to reach their goals, all through the soul-making lens of evolutionary astrology. If you’re interested in working together in that capacity, I am currently accepting new clients. Send me an email at to start a conversation and set up a free consultation call.
Find me on Instagram @sabrinamonarch and Twitter @Sabrina_monarch, get on my mailing list to stay apprised of all upcoming offerings and events, and I’ll see you next week!
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
(Top Image: David Uzochukwu)
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