
Novice Adventure: Jupiter-Venus-Chiron in Aries

Right now we have an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Venus in Aries in 12 degrees, forming a triple conjunction with Chiron at 13 degrees of Aries.

This brings together a planet of wisdom (Jupiter), a planet of love (Venus) and an asteroid that relates to core wounding. Surely the addition of Chiron complicates the celebratory nature of Jupiter-Venus, and this could be a significant moment of heart opening as well.

Some thoughts on what might be moving for us —

Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the zeitgeist feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox and be notified of upcoming educational opportunities, sign up for my mailing list here.

(Top image: Sword in the Stone)

The precipice of newness

The core adventure and insecurity of Aries is that of being new, at the onset, discovering and learning by doing. Aries is energized by the ambition to become itself and to discover its own nature, and is drawn forward by impulse. In significant ways, Aries is not aware of what is going to happen. Aries isn’t working with a tried-and-true template. Aries can be highly subjective, trial and error, experimental, about how they arrive to their destination.

If we think about Chiron currently in this sign, one of the manifestations of that placement can be an insecurity that we feel around our instincts – such as if we’ve made mistakes in the past and registered it as a kind of trauma – “I have to be sure before I act, I can’t just go on a limb like that.”

Aries is sensitive in general to being discouraged at the onset of a journey. It’s like a person who announces a big idea they have that they are excited about, only for the people around them to think the idea is ridiculous and try to tear it down, or perhaps even worse, shrug it off and act like the impulse is insignificant.

Aries responds to that in a variety of ways – potentially getting defensive, trying to prove their capability, or retreating from a place of woundedness. If Aries is truly unbothered by the feedback, Aries can also just trust their instinct and continue to let it unravel without being unduly discouraged by the lack of recognition or understanding in their environment. They might even have the wisdom to know that people will catch on, eventually – like any inventor or entrepreneur or budding star trusted themselves before deeper external validation of their endeavor. With Chiron in Aries, perhaps we have to take care to discern the difference between parts of our personality that are a reaction and a compensation, versus who we really are.

As it applies to Jupiter-Venus-Chiron

There is a significant burst of energy within the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Aries, granted to places where we find ourselves in a kind of new adventure at a heart level – whether that is new relationship or a new threshold within an existing relationship, a new relationship to place/home, a new chapter in life. We could be experiencing this already or the restlessness to find this if we feel bogged down by predictability and routine.

The new adventure or the yearning for new adventure could be bringing up some tensions around what we understand to be the truth, about life, about our situation, about ourselves. Truth might be accessible more as a relationship that we have with it in the process of doing/experimenting, instead of the truth being conveniently available as some objective fact we can grasp and anchor to.

It would be kind of like a hero at the beginning of a film being like, “just tell me the answers so I can get to the end!” Instead of the hero walking the path of the adventure that is unfolding before them.

In matters of desire, Venus in Aries maybe especially *urgent* about wanting to invest her resources properly – if I know the truth I can act, or in order to know the truth maybe I have to shake things up a bit, create some fire — then we’ll know, and I can know how to invest my energy.

The initiation (Chiron) can come from recognizing how we are beginners in some way (if not even at the beginning of a new spiral layer of a familiar pattern) and allowing ourselves to have discoveries, which implies that our life experiences will show us things beyond what we could have anticipated or calculated.

When life offers us raw experience as the feedback for the path we are on, it is the wound and pain-body that will turn perceived failures into self-punishment, evidence of weakness or further reasons to be insecure. It’s the pain-body that will convince us our mistakes are unforgivable and we’ve totally ruined our lives. As well as project this type of harshness onto others.

With some heart (Venus) and expanded perspective (Jupiter) we can also have a more athletic, good-spirited, adventurous attitude about the raw life experiences that we have. This is also to be a storyteller (Jupiter) on the go. If we don’t take for granted that there’s a lot of plot points ahead of us that we truly *don’t know*, we can be mindful of the type of future-tripping we create and where there is space to point the story in a direction that better matches our heart’s emerging truth and desire.

Because the situation is likely developing in relationship to the steps we take (Aries), we are potentially being invited and challenged right now to keep things moving, even as potential choices to make face us directly with our fear. Early moments of making “wrong” choices or choices that created consequences could have diminished our innocence around this threshold of being so new. While total recklessness is likely not the answer either, it could be life-affirming and healing to reconnect with that inner innocence that is bright-eyed and willing to be shaped by life, on the front line & cutting edge of the adventure available to us.

Anything you want to share? Feel free to comment.

with love,
Sabrina Monarch

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