September 8, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Potent day of healing, and not without creative tension. Your ruling planet makes both an exact inconjunct to Chiron and an exact…
September 7, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A day to catch up with emotions – the return of recent evolution, now in a phase of integration. Past processing. If…
September 7 – 13, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A lot of creative momentum and action for you this week with your ruling planet Mars trining Uranus. There is…
September 4 – 6, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Symbols and meanings of those symbols are shifting this weekend with the Last Quarter Moon in Gemini. With an active…
“Could Mercury in Libra explain some of the difficulty of putting things into words sometimes?” I was asked this today and this is timely for the…
September 3, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A more conservative mood at the crossroads of generosity. See that what you are conserving also serves a purpose of generosity –…
September 2, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Considering values and making plans today from those value states is a good use of the Moon lighting up Jupiter today –…
“It cannot be repeated too often that this transformation does not alienate him from the world. He will in no way be estranged from his daily…
September 1, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Checking in with your innovation and its time to add a new burst of daring and pioneering into what you are doing…