August 17, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Your way of engaging with others is now under transformation where it is needed. It’s important to hear, see, and feel heard…
This week includes Venus retrograde trining Uranus in Aries again, Mercury in Virgo in opposition to Chiron, a Sun square to Saturn, and a First Quarter…
August 17 – 23, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Follow the language that is enchanting you this week, because it is leading you back to a place that can…
I think the best way to begin learning astrology if you are new to it is to start with your own natal chart (which you can…
We had an opposition between Mercury in Virgo and Neptune recently, and we’re still in orb of it now. Next week Mercury in Virgo will oppose Chiron in…
Shortly after the New Leo Moon, I was on an airplane and had ended up sitting next to a teenaged quadruple Leo (Sun, Ascendant, plus a…
Weekend of August 14 – 16 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: A very expansive weekend in the heart and creative center. There will also be a lot of micro-focus…
August 13, 2015 Aries/Aries Rising: Your creative potentials are radical right now. You of all people know how to be fearless in going for what you want.…
The New Moon in Leo on August 14, 2015 is making a tight trine (harmonious aspect) to Uranus in Aries, the planet of ingenuity, flashes of…