
Eclipse Weekend Horoscopes September 11 – 13

September 11 – 13, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: The biggest irritants of Virgo season so far is that stress of worry or anxiety after some time of feeling really in your groove and really on top of things. This eclipse is a moment to throw into the abyss what you no longer wish to carry with you. In the middle of trying to keep things organized, the Tao is filling in for you. Let it – organize your realm, but understand perfect circumstances will meet you.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: A New Moon Eclipse in your house of romance – opposite Chiron in your house of innovation also global worldliness – think a new perspective or experience in your personal world that invites you into heightened interconnectivity. Your relationship between your lifestyle and your community is building in power such that if you are seeking tribe, you only need to tune into the frequency & dial it up.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: This Eclipse is helping you discover and refine what you really want – after a time period of getting more insight on what you don’t want. With this, a vision of who you are, evolved now. A version of you that is lifted out from something obscuring you and into greater light – yet, comfort simultaneously because it feels so good. Patience with visions of what you SHOULD be doing – you are working through these.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: There is a change coming with information, communication, and how you interpret or organize symbols in your life – lean into it. There is a critical adjustment coming from the philosophy side of it – the larger picture – and you’re beginning to see into an entirely new realm of perception. You can tune in with your intentions of what you want to see more of in the world.


Leo/Leo Rising: Eclipse magic is happening in your personal sphere and specifically how you are arranging your life (aesthetically, circumstantially) on your own end… what is in your own locus of power. The shift that is coming has to do with what you are making space for. This is a time to adjust, and let go of habits/patterns that are setting you up for the same thing. Change invites your cutting edge.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: Power Eclipse – in your own sign and new. A total revitalization of self and of what you are initiating. Boldness and adventurousness are favored. You are learning as you go, following an impulse or a key instinct. Those urges do originate from a deeper place and they are inviting you to discover through experience, rather than knowing the whole at the start.


Libra/Libra Rising: This Eclipse is a deep re-alignment for you in the way of how you are accessing flow. You are not forcing anything. You are allowing the Universe to show you what the next steps are. Your desires ARE part of this. It’s just a matter of seeing what baits and what says not now. This is all about trust and seeing that through to the other end of this new unfolding adventure.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: This New Moon Eclipse is aligning you more deeply with TRIBE/likeminds. This comes with letting go of wounding around being yourself openly – or specifically, the connection that doing that brings harm. It does bring vulnerability. But if you want to relate on the next level, it’s time to shine your light out and be the lighthouse that attracts far and wide. It’s a gamechanger.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: An Eclipse in your house of career = key structural revitalization, enhanced financial flow and change in attitude regarding how you are making a living. This can launch you into an entirely new phase within your career (a la magic and synchronicity) or further developments that you have already put forth as you continue to align your affairs according to an integral framework.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: A philosophical reorientation occurs with this Eclipse – in ways that your life has been molding to fit the particulars of your personal philosophy, a shift is now available to you in which you may radically readjust these concepts that are subtly (but POWERFULLY) impacting your life. Look at your beliefs – which ones inspire fruitfulness, and which ones detract. Let the deadweight go and make space.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: A New Moon Eclipse in your Soul Sector – just know you did in fact, invite this transformation. So it is change. And not just on the surface, but to the core. This is really recommitting to what is most important, and letting go of the things that don’t truly serve you. Phoenix time. This is good. And this is huge. The fire only burns what you are not. A psychic refresh and beyond.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: The New Moon Eclipse is radical for your relationship world – first you are letting go of an impulse to act on wounding. The heart and the desire to connect is what you are aligning more to act on. But Chiron in your 1st house playing into this eclipse is pushing to the front of your mind the wounds/patterns of the past. Observe, let it go and let the Eclipse nourish you deeply into relationship with ALL.

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