The Mercury – Pluto vibe of the moment is supporting deeper understanding and intimacy through our words. Mercury in Scorpio is sextiling Pluto so it does require conscious access (as sextiles do). This is a great moment to go ahead on initiating a deeper communication with someone and navigating those deeper recesses where there is something that is needing or wanting to be shared, the feeling being that it’s an optional message, but one with potential rewards. This is all assuming it feels constructive or nourishing – otherwise remember it is the Dark Moon.
I mean, it could play out like this if you’re not taking your cues from the Dark Moon (rest, conservation, letting go):
See how you feel about this energy before the New Moon versus after. A dark Moon in Scorpio can be sleepier, saying go within. But the Mercury – Pluto sextile will still be going on the New Moon day (and swiftly after leaving orb).
1 Comment
November 12, 2015 at 1:22 amWas wondering if you could elaborate on cues from the dark moon- in serious need of grounding right now and everything you’ve posted has been spot on with me. Love reading your posts keep em coming!