
Astrology of 12/28 – 1/3: Misty Mountaintops & Dreamy Engineers


I think of Hayao Miyazaki as a vibe-connect for this week’s heightened Capricorn and Pisces storylines. Miyazaki is a Capricorn Sun filmmaker (film correlates with Neptune). Ambition and structure are available to manifest in infinite ways: structure is a supportive energy which interfaces with dreams and fantasies. When we are combine Capricorn and Pisces, signs which naturally sextile each other, we can be aware of our dreams and engineer a track to channel them through into existence. (All the images in this week’s forecast are from his films!)

New on the blog this week – we had an article about 2016 in retrospect via the Saturn-Neptune square, and an article about Moon-Mars contacts in a natal chart or by synastry. Also check out my Patreon campaign where you can contribute any dollar amount per month of your choosing to support the writing of these weekly forecasts: contributors at the $5/month level or more get an astrology reading for signing up! Take me up on it!

December 28

Sun in Capricorn conjunct Mercury retrograde in Capricorn: 10:47 AM PST, Mercury in Capricorn sextile Mars in Pisces: 3:06 PM PST & New Moon in 7’59” Capricorn: 10:53 PM PST

The technical details: The New Moon in Capricorn is widely conjunct Pluto in balsamic phase. On the day of the New Moon, Mercury (currently retrograde) in Capricorn will pass over the Sun and hours later form an exact sextile to Mars in Pisces. The Sun and Moon are also in harmonic aspect to Mars and Neptune in Pisces. By the time of the Full Moon on January 12, Venus will have caught up to Neptune in Pisces and the Jupiter-Uranus opposition will form a Grand Cardinal Cross to the axis of the Full Moon. Putting these things together, these are some things that can come up in this lunar cycle:

  • It is practical to have dreams or plans that involve some element of mystery or discovery; because there are factors to our reality which are not in appearance form yet. One of Capricorn’s limitations can be to analyze reality only from the perspective of that which is already seen or accumulated from the past. This New Moon specifically augurs a moment in which we can begin a cycle of manifesting into form something that does not yet exist. Given the nature of the sextile harmonic though, the choice to include the unseen in one’s plans is very much optional even though it is highly beneficial. Some effort/desire needs be applied. Thinking of Pisces/Neptune, a genuine prayer to the Universe for assistance in whatever it is you are seeking does seem to open up a channel. Then – doing your thing as an act of faith; until you meet the answer on the road (that is life).
  • The upcoming Full Moon (Jan 12) brings a harvest related to electric, expansive relationship – you might find your internal wishes being met on the exterior plane of relationship. If you have a vision or dream that involves any kind of teamwork or cooperation, this New Moon on the 28th may be a fun time to visualize what kind of teammate you’re looking for (or what you need and what you have to offer) and picture how you might align your reality as to cross paths with this person. The Full Moon also sees Juno, the Goddess of Soul Contracts conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (trine Uranus) so the possibility of meeting someone in the vibration of “business partner”/“training partner” is high (or someone with whom self-development, expansion or maturation is mutually supported). You can directly or indirectly encounter people who inspire you and give you vision of what kind of people you want to be growing and expanding with.
  • This being said, it is also possible to be negatively inspired: to see examples of what you DON’T want. It can be a learning experience to extract the crystal of consciousness it offers rather than to be fixated on the drama of it.
  • Since Juno on Saturn also correlates with the factor of time in important/karmic connections with people: connecting when the time is ripe, and otherwise not crossing paths. (Sparks and inspiration can be felt, but maybe just not lining up at this particular moment.)
  • Cynicism is most always attached to a matrix in which the storyline went down a sour route and this can color reality at a detriment. It alters consciousness radically to absorb/study storylines in which problems are solved with innovative solutions. It’s as though there are mirror processes in the mind that start to imagine how to be innovative in kind relevant to whatever is present and real for an individual. (I like the Unmistakable Creative podcast as an example of a series of storylines in which people took innovative paths to solve problems. Mastery by Robert Greene is also a good resource.)
  • Practicality is not a blanket prescription – there is going to be some uniqueness around it depending on what the ultimate goal is. The desire for security for example, yields different results than the desire for adventure. Capricorn is an energy that makes stuff happen and gets what it wants through dogged determination and intelligence, so check out what mountain you’re climbing. If it doesn’t bring you excitement or joy or the genuine feeling of accomplishment, it’s probably not your mountain.
  • The top of the mountain is most often clouded and dreamy/uncertain. For that reason, the actual process is a great clue on what the vibration of the top of the mountain is like. There is an important relationship between the adventure/challenge of the climb and the dream that is the focusing agent. The dream becomes clearer from the conditioning the climb creates. It’s as though the climb and the peak do and must draw toward one another.
  • More gravity, sense of importance or ceremony around certain aspects of reality; while other pieces of reality seem to take on less of a role. Importance of listening to where the feeling of ceremony or presence is. Manifestation can occur in halfhearted or passionate tracks, and it takes a certain amount of inner-authority to decide.
  • Struggle, pain, or difficulty is not a detriment if one’s overarching sight can see that it is a necessary and self-forging part of the path. Stories and mythic correlations make these rites of passage enjoyable. Spontaneity, excitement and seeming-distractions will be abundant at the same time as there is work to do – how we integrate and blend work versus play, duty versus freedom, responsibility versus lightheartedness, commitment versus flow, takes up space this lunar cycle!

December 29

Uranus stations direct: 1:29 PM PST


  • This makes Uranus a loud energy in the sky. Uranus relates to liberation and freedom, and an entire spectrum on which this occurs. Uranus in Aries implies a specific storyline of freedom in which one sets out on their own and becomes a trailblazer or pioneer. It might sound cute/exciting and it can be, but it can be intense to be the first or to stand out in that way. Might be lonely, dangerous or frightening. Though individuation can come full circle and create more connection and more electric connection, it does speak to moments of self-radicalization that can be alienating.
  • Consider the vibration of freedom, versus it’s ideologies. How do ideas create more freedom or lock it and become the antithesis of itself?
  • Consider the difference between separation from something to be free, and just being free by connecting with with something or with parts of oneself that inspire freedom. How is it that freedom can be so traumatic, intense and earth-shattering or so joyful and enlivening? Where do we engage in “freedom from”-freedom and objective freedom? Do they necessarily go together (the new inspires letting go of the old)?
  • The spectrum of feeling very alienated and isolated because of being so different, versus being very connected in community because of being different and being accepted or specially acknowledged for it.


  • Uranus also relates to trauma, so past traumas (in this life or on a cellular level) may be more accessible/felt while Uranus is stationing.
  • Ideas are sparked by running water (Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the water bearer): one way to get to know Uranus is to witness your mind flying while you’re immersed in running water.

December 30

Sun in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces: 3:26 PM PST

  • The creative/inspired conditioning of oneself to become what one dreams they could.
  • The self-authority it often requires to follow one’s dreams, dealing with the “who do you think you are to….(start your own business, call yourself an artist, move away from home)?” kind of questions and the multitude of ways that it forges us to take those leaps.

December 31

Mars in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces: 10:53 PM PST


  • This speaks to some element of fantasy or imagination increasing the efficacy and vitality of Mars as well as having the potential to delude it – depending on what the fantasy or the goal is.
  • Action coming from a place that is not fully inspired can create dissolution or create the sense of weak-will, for actions to not seem to take effect or for motivation to be very low. This can speak to needing more time and space to imagine or dream of the desire informing the action and to change course if needed.
  • Inspired action might be real and visible or the will to dream might be the inspired action at a given moment. Dreams and fantasies are actually the fuel and morale for this particular Mars, though this can clash with more obvious conceptions of efficacy. With Mars and Neptune aligned as they are, finding the most inspired course of action can be uncovered through some process of withdrawal, dreaming, meditating.

January 2

Venus enters Pisces: 11:47 PM PST

  • This is a very elevated, transpersonal Venus in which it can become more apparent that love and art take on a life of their own to the beholder. Through connection with something ephemeral, we enter a channel into the Infinite.
  • This also speaks to a lush fantasy life and the ability to be very enchanted, or for seduction to occur along the vibration of enchantment. This is wildly heart-opening and upper chakra opening at the same time: it can be a Namaste thing (The sacred in me recognizes the sacred in you).

January 3

Mercury retrograde in Capricorn sextile Venus in Pisces: 11:41 AM PST

  • The potential to soothe over past misunderstandings with a new element of compassion or forgiveness.
  • Old thoughts/conversations return but there is a new way to access or elevate it. Unpacking memories that only now make sense.
  • The desire or even enhanced ability may come up around speaking one’s heart, the ability to express emotion or sentiment in words where before the feelings were too nebulous to describe.
  • Yet, this also relates to misunderstandings! It may come up that communications need extra clarification or do-overs.

Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! I loved your emails and comments from last week and appreciate you all so very much. If this is your first time here, welcome and know these forecasts come out every week and you can get them straight to your inbox by signing up for my mailing list here.

With love,

Sabrina Monarch

14095872_10154532336829312_605006490544395441_nSabrina Monarch is a soul-centered Evolutionary Astrologer who publishes weekly astrological forecasts. She has been collecting astrological experience for over a decade. She also enjoys yoga, hiking and creative writing. You can subscribe to receive her weekly forecasts by email here.


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