Venus and Mars form an opposition this week, each in their home signs (Venus in Libra and Mars in Aries). Venus-Mars contacts can be significantly *felt* transits, often through our relationships or at least our inner-orientation to the relationships that we have or wish to have. Love has always existed side by side with conflict – from the courage that it takes to open the heart and the question of how to guard it, to clashing wills with people we love, to feeling the sting of unrequited love, to being called forward to a better version of ourselves and having to face our blindspots when in connection with others.
Watch a video version of this forecast on YouTube, or keep reading below:
At another level, Venus and Mars always co-exist in many other phenomena – take for example, the way that anger (Mars) is connected to knowing what we value and desire (Venus). The less preference we have, the more go-with-the-flow we are going to be and therefore not easily angered (until enough is enough perhaps!). Venus invites lessons of self-worth and knowing just who we are, and with that knowledge we can properly defend and protect it. Mars invites lessons of courage and force – how much to use, or not use.
In my past personally, I have tended toward more indulgence when it comes to Venusian peacemaking. It’s taken me significant inner work and support to learn how to be more confrontational and how to make requests in relationship. I used to associate conflict as a potential way of losing connection, and I would avoid it. Now that I’ve been able to clear that belief significantly, I’m mesmerized watching fight scenes between romantic protagonists in movies, or mesmerized by friends bringing confrontation to our connection and watching how I often just love them more. I’m impressed by people supporting me in confronting them and responding like they are on my team. So it is in that spirit that considering Venus and Mars opposite this week that I have a newly embodied appreciation for the nature of conflict in relationship as a potential amplifier, not a hindrance to connection.
If we remember that Venus and Mars have a special connection we can meditate on how that shows up in our lives and who is given more of a voice, and at what cost. Could their connection play out in a more vibrant and dynamic way?
Welcome back! Or in case this is your first time here, I’m Sabrina Monarch and I’m a soul-centered astrologer. I love providing perspectives on the opportunities of transits and putting into words what the zeitgeist feels like at this moment in time, to support you on your path & open a dialogue between us and the cosmos. If you would like to receive these weekly forecasts to your inbox and be notified of upcoming educational opportunities, sign up for my mailing list here.
Here’s our week, after a few announcements!

Study Evolutionary Astrology with me in January 2021 – enrollment is now open! It’s always an inspiring group of deep thinkers that gather for this class. If you are wanting to learn karmic soul-centered astrology, and go deeper into the astrological craft in both an intuitive and a structured/guided way – and you resonate with these forecasts, you’ll love this course. Learn more, read testimonials, and enroll here.
Level Two Training for Alumni!

Introducing a new program for alumni of the Evolutionary Astrology Intensive (a level two training)! METEORITE is an Astrological Embodiment Accelerator, a deep nine-month dive into building skill and voice as astrologers. Expanding on what we’ve already learned in the intensive, we will practice our interpretive and delineation skills, continue to explore the transpersonal mysteries of the outer planets, work with the material of our own charts and transits, and create something (a work of astrological scholarship or art) by the end of the nine months to share with everyone. Call it an initiation.
Astrology has always been so fun and magical to me but also something I see as worth being dedicated about, which means training! There are many hours that go into studying, practicing, and then there are also the attunements of how to live astrologically (how to track the transits, how to evolve your expression of your natal placements in daily life, discovering learning opportunities everywhere like getting in the habit of looking up the natal charts of actors when you watch films, etc.) – so let’s develop skill and interpretive acumen in community. This is a space for astrological devotion, and for bringing this practice into earth – i.e. materializing it and making it a reality. Open to alumni, with potential special exceptions to people well-versed in Evolutionary Astrology. Learn more and apply here.
Astrology Reading Bookings FULL: I am booked out for a little bit, but still taking new clients for ongoing mentorship/coaching (6 month – 1 year commitment). If you’re interested in working with me in that capacity, send me an email at And make sure you’re on my mailing list if you’d like to be informed of when my books open again!

No new episode of Magic of the Spheres podcast this week, but we’ll be back soon! Listen/binge on your favorite podcast app!
Here’s our week:
November 6, 2020
Mercury in 26 Libra square Saturn in 26 Capricorn: 1:12 AM PST

(Image: Robert Patterson, from a series of Toronto Film Festival celebrity portraits)
Now that Mercury is direct, this is the third and final pass of this particular square.
- While the Jupiter-Pluto-Saturn conjunction in Capricorn might tend toward greater extremism and holding a perspective as “just the way things are”… argument over… slam the gavel – Mercury in Libra brings a weighing-in of alternatives, potentially preferring a more well-rounded approach.
- Perhaps you may relate to moments where you reached an extreme conviction about something, only to reverse your judgement in the coming days or weeks. Even though the extremity of the conviction wasn’t meant to last forever, did it grant you some clarity and direction?
- This square marks the last quarter phase of their cycle together (Mercury and Saturn), which has associations with crisis in consciousness and breakthrough/paradigm shift. We might be re-interpreting our personal history, realizing that through whatever blindspots we necessarily have possessed, there is more to the story than we previously considered.

(Image: Francesco Chiacchio)
- At some level the Libra-Capricorn square dynamic can be quite judgmental (they both have judgmental tendencies). We often pass judgement in unexamined ways – having a judgement and not really questioning it or even acknowledging it as a judgement (considering it fact instead)! But the more cognizant we are of the nature of judgement, the more we can notice in ourselves in the act and have an opportunity to tune into whether our perceptions are keen/truthful or whether we are projecting. And further, if we stand by our assessment: are we judging to punish? Or do we judge to make necessary adjustment and restore harmony and balance into our lives?
November 9, 2020
Venus in 15 Libra opposite Mars retrograde in 15 Aries: 8:08 AM PST

(Image: Felicity Ingram)
“Mars and Venus belong together.
A lot of heart medicine carries thorns.
The magic that love is inherently must be protected from those who reach out carelessly.
Hawthorn” – Cameron Allen
- One can reflect on the dynamic between Venus and Mars by studying traditional feminine/masculine dynamics and the hottest chemistry of that polarity, both in what tends to go awry and where the energies are synergistic. Gender conversations that highlight the polarity are basically Venus-Mars meditations! Think David Deida, Mama Gena (Regena Thomashauer), or discourse about divine masculine and divine feminine. (I understand these conversations are not universally appreciated, but I do find them compelling. I find the blend of conventional gender expression and re-imagined ‘divine’ expressions interesting. It’s like a new and more conscientious wave of gender expression for people who identify with the binary.)
- One dynamic that can come up with strong Venus-Mars contacts is fiery willingness to defend what is valued. The mood is like a dramatic argument where honest words are spoken and the discontented/angry person walks away. There was no subtlety, no fawning, no trying to just make nice. And, often this honesty and anger only works to build more connection, even though the outburst as an instance is so separative. There are countless film scenes that play on this theme, but this is the most recent one I happened to see:
- As a variation on that theme, when both characters are angry (not just one), there can be a vicious exchange of words until one or both people break into tears, soften, and begin to apologize.
- So just like the image of flowers that come with thorns, there is the gnarlier/thornier side of relationship that comes from the expression of discord.
- In our lives, there is something to be said for the courage that it takes to live within and to defend one’s values (as opposed to folding). We have to know what we desire or know who we are to make these stances, and it can be through relationships and conflict in relationship that we learn these lessons.
- Reflect on how you see the interplay this week between the deepest vulnerability of the heart and the types of protection that constellate as a result. Do you feel like there is balance between the openness of your heart and the protection you create around your heart? Have you tended to be underly or overly guarded?
Sun in 18 Scorpio trine Neptune retrograde in 18 Pisces: 9:12 PM PST

- This transit may highlight some of the magical or redemptive qualities that emerge when we face our *material* i.e. whatever we have put into shadow. It may also be that if we enter altered states of consciousness there can be deep, oceanic themes, memories, and feelings that come through.
November 10, 2020
Mercury re-enters Scorpio: 1:55 PM PST

(Image: Il profumo della signora in nero, 1974)
Mercury, now direct, re-enters the sign of Scorpio. Mercury leaves post-retrograde shadow on November 19 and leaves Scorpio on December 1.
- Mercury in Scorpio is like a deep-sea diver, a detective, or a very vertical rabbit hole into the underworld of the psyche. This can be our curiosity to trace ideas or phenomena to their roots. At a psychological level, this can relate to unearthing the origin of particular beliefs or biases that we hold, and engaging with some transformative/alchemical process of transforming this root.
- There can be some empowerment in transcending the material conditions (i.e. the literal circumstances) of our past. We think that because something happened in our early life that we must always carry its scars. But it’s not just the thing that happened, but our deep emotional entanglement with it. Changing the story on an imaginative level (such as through visualization) or doing cathartic shamanic activities to clear an old story are ways we can step into fuller personal power.
- Scorpio relates to the experience of how we will be exceptionally attracted/allured to certain people, books, teachings, etc. because the information or codes that are present can help us exceed our limitations. When you feel a charge or an excitement or a turn-on about something you are in contact with, take a moment to notice that! It is one of the ways the soul speaks to us.
- Likewise, this also connects with the good we can do in the world when we take our own lessons we’ve learned and now embody and talk about them. We have codes to share, too. 🙂
Thank you for meditating on the planets with me this week! If you would like further guidance, I have been increasingly focused on longer-term 1:1 work with my students and clients, in the form of mentorship – helping people form a depth relationship to their natal chart and personal transits over time, to develop themselves, to heal, and to reach their goals, all through the soul-making lens of evolutionary astrology. If you’re interested in working together in that capacity, I am currently accepting new clients. Send me an email at to start a conversation and set up a free consultation call.
Find me on Instagram @sabrinamonarch and Twitter @Sabrina_monarch, get on my mailing list to stay apprised of all upcoming offerings and events, and I’ll see you next week!
With love,
Sabrina Monarch
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