Starting off with a Full Moon in Capricorn conjunct Saturn, we may be feeling called this week to prioritize and get serious about things in our…
I’ve written a free mini e-book for you on the Mars retrograde transit that is characterizing our summer. I cover: What Mars retrograde means in general…
As we approach Mars retrograde I’ve been thinking a lot about the image of an athletic competition; and the athlete’s time divided between game time and…
June 1, 2018 marked Monarch Astrology’s three year anniversary, so I want to celebrate by sharing with you some things I’ve learned by having an astrology…
This week begins with a New Moon in Gemini, while Neptune stations retrograde and Mars hovers on the South Node of the Moon (soon to go…
We live in an enchanted world. Certainly if you follow astrology, you know this! With the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Gemini squaring Neptune this week, experiences of…
Venus in Cancer forms a grand water trine with Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio this week, bringing the Jupiter-Neptune themes into the realm of…
As we build toward a Full Moon in Sagittarius, Sagittarius’ ruler Jupiter in Scorpio forms an exact trine to Neptune in Pisces. Neptune squares the Full…
We are at the start of a new lunar cycle, fresh from this New Moon in Taurus and also Uranus’ entrance into Taurus! One of the…