Longing is truly a force of gravity. We are now in a state of seeing where there is so much more we want to learn, know,…
The week of October 5’s horoscopes are longer than usual because there is simply just so much going on! The transformational harvest/Jupiter Pluto trine happens to…
This weekend ups the Mercurial vibe we are already in with Mercury retrograde in Libra right by the Sun… the Gemini Moon aspects just about everything…
This month includes the big event that is the Jupiter – Pluto trine: major gifts, major opportunities, deep expansion. Luck is afoot, and Pluto deepens the…
The Sun and Mercury in Libra are moving toward an exact inconjunction with Neptune – the signs under the rulership of the Sun (Leo) and Neptune…
As we come down from the Full Moon Eclipse in Aries and integrate, this next week involves several major aspects to the Sun. Mercury forms a…
The fear of any of the planets is like a legacy leftover of a fearful relationship to God. Where there is a fear of say… Saturn…
“When does real love begin?” she asks. “At first it was a fire, eclipses, short circuits, lightning and fireworks; the incense, hammocks, drugs, wines, perfumes; then…
Pluto goes direct in a few hours, friends… so a few thoughts on the vibration of desire. Desire is a catalyst for evolution in that it has…
(The Potter Of The World by Bhajju Shyam) Pluto goes direct tomorrow and Mars (lower octave of Pluto) enters Virgo. Both are in Earth signs and we…