Jupiter in Virgo makes truth and personal authenticity a practice. The small opportunities are magnified for their alignment with vaster energies. In smallness, in the ordinary,…
The archetype of practice includes overwhelm and procrastination. It is like a force of the imagination before the venture is even begun that perceives what can…
As you are talking to different people throughout the day, whether it’s people you’ve just met, your friends, or people returning from the past, but at…
The weekly horoscopes for September 21 are up. We have Saturn recently in Sagittarius and Mercury has just gone retrograde in Libra. This week the Sun…
“Even before Gaga arrived on set, she made her unique presence known. ‘She sent me a box of dead flowers and a ripped up teddy bear,”…
This week holds a few significant transits, all on the 17th – we’ll have Jupiter in Virgo in exact opposition to Neptune in Pisces, Mercury stationing…
(René Magritte) Chiron as the Initiate The upcoming New Moon Eclipse in Virgo forms an opposition to Chiron in Pisces. Beyond the interpretation of wounded healer,…
This upcoming New Moon in Virgo September 12, 2015 11:41 PM (PST) is also an eclipse. This is a window that is closing and reopening into…
The confrontational energy of Mercury in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn (exact on September 9, 2015) is surprisingly graceful once containing the pressure is no longer…
“Could Mercury in Libra explain some of the difficulty of putting things into words sometimes?” I was asked this today and this is timely for the…