As you may know, we are approaching a Solar Eclipse in Leo, August 21, where the Sun and Moon in Leo will be on the North…
A few significant transits for Ellen while she had Obama on her show. Moments like this are history for the collective and the individual. Pluto in…
You are a flame keeper, holding a channel to which no one else has access. If you begin to think of yourself more as a vessel…
During the Last Quarter Moon in Leo – called a “crisis in consciousness” aspect, Essena O’Neill’s switch on social media not being a true representation of self…
The Last Quarter Moon in Leo is tomorrow. Fixed squares (the Leo Moon squaring the Scorpio Sun) can be particularly intense because of the energy of…
This New York Times article titled “On Instagram, the Summer You’re Not Having” is talking about social media envy… the envy that arises when people’s images of them…
The New Moon in Leo on August 14, 2015 is making a tight trine (harmonious aspect) to Uranus in Aries, the planet of ingenuity, flashes of…
Something that majorly qualifies the Leo heartbreak – or really any heartbreak that comes out of the romance archetype (Leo) is one of losing that mirror who shows…
I woke up from a dream this morning with the words “know your worth inherently” coming into focus as there was a person and a set…
There Are No New Inventions in the Universe – The Invention Already Exists. Opening the Channel is the Creative Act. My friend and I were talking about…