
Week of May 31 – June 6 Horoscopes

Week of May 31 – June 6 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: With certain sensitivities in your emotional life explored, you are reaching the surface of the water, which at once was a startling place to be like you kind of just fell in with a splash, it now has become lukewarm and comfortable. You collect the pearls and surface. The mysteries of the deep like to appear again like a fish leaping out of the water, and just like that it’s gone and something altogether new. You are past a moment of attachment, and ready for new information and new experiences which are your sign posts to the destination you seek.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: The power of ideas. What ideas you’ve believed and taken in as your own, and how they have colored the kind of life you’ve built or been building. Keep in mind that whatever needs to change (really as directed by your feelings or how you are triggered by new information that changes your standing on something) is effected by your creativity in motion. Trust your innermost intuition for the particulars on how to proceed. How many people really see how vast your internal universe goes? You know all the wormholes and the extra dimensions. You have the map. You know how magical you are. Your (future) lover has stars in their eyes.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Who is illuminating the sages this Full Moon? You, with your diverse breadth of information and non-attachment to any one particular P.O.V. Are you feeling energetic and ready to take initiative? Those urges are harmoniously bouncing off of the planet of luck, who is residing in YOUR house. If it feels right on a gut level, make the move. It’s hard to tell what’s more seductive about you right now – the player who doesn’t know they’re playing, or the player who knows they’re playing but plays it off oh so natural. It’s called being smooth. Just keep it true and tend to being completely you but with revivified wit, audacity, and boldness.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: Ultra-receptive yes. The levels of pleasure and creative satisfaction you can feel just when all is in pause, what kind of stillness you settle into – is your compass of progress. The astro we are just emerging out of supported your fire houses: your instincts, your beliefs. This week it’s about implementing your vision in practical ways – organizing, clearing, laying foundations. If you need a stronger structure to sustain you, there is a boost this week to initiate construction. It’s your responsibility to begin creating whatever it is that is you are urging to have, but don’t have yet.


Leo/Leo Rising: The ideas you have about reality are up for psychic cleansing, you have the vigor at your disposal to break it down. At some point, it is no longer worth believing in the things that condition your circumstances negatively, block you, keep you from the momentum you’re desiring — even if it seemed logical and therefore true. Momentum is building. It’s going to be quite an adventure. Cut the weights, especially the ones that are internal and imaginary, and you will have more space to move.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: A lot of attention on the emotions this week from which natural wisdom may arise. As the emotional situation may seem in opposition with the world of responsibility or what needs to “get done”, simply take note and know that the integration of the two is coming but first you are finding out what needs more attention and what resonates. Either way, the link between your state of mind and your work/productivity is mega strong this week. Strengthen the one needing some love and the other follows suit as well.


Libra/Libra Rising: Your teachers show up in many forms. The form is simply the vessel for revealing; what matters the most is what is beyond/behind it that you come to understand as it awakens something nascent within you… but now it comes communicable, with reference points, lifted from the ethereal and the unconscious. This week is about finding those truths and making them your own. Your ruling planet shifts into Leo and makes a harmonious aspect to Saturn in your communication sector end-week, the result is feeling refreshed and creative, with discipline to match it.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: You’ve been feeling, designing, planning the future. The Full Moon build up brings to your attention any imbalances in close relationships, where there has potentially been straying from shared value systems or personal ones, while post-Full Moon offers multiple chances for grace when focusing on honesty, unconditional love and forgiveness. When Venus shifts into Leo it enters your career sector, and builds all month to meet with expansion planet Jupiter… so yes, the future is now.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: This week sees some shifts for you from the emotional, receptive body to the active one. Take care to wrap those moments up for a good send off to honor the phase as though night before dawn… the feelings have been felt, dreams dreamed, (not that there won’t always be more, but the wave has crashed and settled so to say) and this week is full or urges to begin putting in motion whatever has been distilled toward creative pursuits, new explorations and realized formulations of ideas. Maybe things that got dropped off last time around (you know, retrogrades).


Capricorn/Capricorn RisingIf getting lost in the minutia was a problem, the beginning of this week holds some magic for you to pour over the whole thing, not for it to go away, but for it to become enchanted, daily zen elevating the small things. This peace may be your guide through the inner-exploration this week kicks off. It doesn’t have to be serious. It’s like rowing into a stream where the banks are host to scenes and images that stoke the imagination.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: What is known so innately, solidly, is only isolating when the heart calls for it to be shared, but the communication method eludes. You can translate it – the craft of language (verbal or otherwise) supports the transmission and the connection is made. The windows slipping by one another to form a mutually inhabitable portal for you to access right now goes as such: 1) highly individualized, vast awareness and 2) the go between that is the translator. Bring it, Aqua.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: The week begins with a chance to let illusions fall away… which is maybe your speciality. Then the Full Moon highlights ways that beliefs have very literally constructed your reality, based on the information that you identify with. You are sifting through a variety of ideas, and not all of them filter all the way through. Acting in your truth is integrity. Past this juncture of honesty realignments if need be, is a lot of space to internally integrate the changes.

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