
Thursday November 5, 2015


November 5, 2015


Aries/Aries Rising: A judgmental vibe can be in the background or be informing perception today – but this is the turning of a wheel, in the sense that a new worldview or new perception is emerging in the conflict — this is reflecting a way in which you are really refining a philosophy and needing to go deep to do so. An awareness that the judgments aren’t the highest truth. Dissatisfaction breeds creativity should you put your mind to a radical new alternative.


Taurus/Taurus Rising: There are some *serious* things unfolding but an attitude of playfulness is going to help you tackle them right now. First, there is a whole arena of stuff that is not as intense as you THINK and you need the new angle. But also, it’s going to help you in your communications today to approach things more lightly or with humor, will even help you segway into the deeper stickier areas that you’re thinking about.


Gemini/Gemini Rising: Still vibing high on empowerment? Because the alternative has something to do with more feeling small in comparison to a unmoving, impenetrable colossus of power, even if it seems like this unalterable thing & “that’s just the way it is”. It calls for compassion for yourself but ruthless pulling of weeds because you can in regards to self-limiting philosophy or critical self-image thought-loops.


Cancer/Cancer Rising: The Moon traveling through your house of communications and in Virgo speaks to a very active mental state today, and it will be squaring Saturn, limitation, etc. yet this is not so much about limitation as it is around consciously choosing boundary. A lot of philosophy revamping and visionary ideas can come through today, if you will channel your mind, think empowerment through creativity, that all you need is a new angle.


Leo/Leo Rising: A point of strength that today’s transits can support is becoming very clear about something you believe, value or feel that is currently mysterious or nebulous to you and then shining it up. It is going to show up in the following days as a more lit-up pathway in life via opportunity or serendipitous suggestion – kind of like dreaming something and then it *happens*.


Virgo/Virgo Rising: Romanticism or disillusionment around another person or a relationship is a theme you are gaining a new perspective on today. Either you are witnessing a stage of your life you are leaving behind, or you are seeing new potentials that are glittering and calling to you to develop something within yourself to meet a new vibration. Nothing is impossible – a good plan helps. Your energy levels can support that planing today for magical results.


Libra/Libra Rising: There is a very shiftiness playing out today – enhanced mental flexibility while also some of the information that is coming through is very stubborn in itself. If there is anything *needing* your belief there is probably more to the story below it, something trickstery. Some layers are being cleared away. Trust your discernment. But also trust that sometimes the filter must clear itself and be open to new things. Not a commitment vibe today, but an ‘entertaining’ one.


Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Trust that the freaky mood coming through today (whether it’s clean freakery, rigorous perfecting or just having hyper-specific callings) is epic fuel for what is unfolding in your creative life, your romance sector, and the kind of self-development that can launch you places. The more unapologetically yourself you are today, and the more you allow this to lead you, the more connected you will feel to being a friend of all, in your own hyper weird way.


Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: The transits of today are good for bigger decisions (with more impact/importance) if it truly feels like the right timing and it is in alignment with your higher self – the reason being that today’s Moon harmonics create more gravity so actions taken at this time can be longer-term in their affect. If you don’t have something you want to put forth or your work is still in-development, you can still use this magically especially around planning.


Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: The key of today is getting really specific about your vision (what you want and how you will make it happen) and knowing all the same that there will be another version of it given back to you when it comes into fruition. There may be surprises. But having been specific and really knowing what it is you’re aiming for, is helping you to see where the path is opening up and helping you take those opportunities when they show up as the answer to your vision.


Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: Today is perfect for discovering something you really want as opposed to something you thought you wanted – this is helping you to remember not to get super attached to something to the point that you lose touch with the essence. When you keep your finger on the pulse of the essence, the form to satisfy the desire appears more readily. Today you’re getting into that deeper base layer.


Pisces/Pisces Rising: Your relationships and your feeling or purpose & life direction are not meant to be at odds – unless there is still something you’re learning about one or the either. Is there one you feel more empowered in or more actualized in? See what attitudes and methods can be applied in the other needing some attention. Both are areas of life you can feel mastery, and like any form of mastery there is a method and there’s innovation, not just magical ‘happening’ (though eventually that’s what it looks like).

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    November 6, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    Love this one

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