November 13-15, 2015
Aries/Aries Rising: Planning and organizational fetish. Doing something deeply nourishing and invigorating for your health – think Virgoan magic cleanliness or grooming ritual that inspires epiphany. Somehow you are taking yourself up, and when the Capricorn Moon hits Saturday you are breaking ground. The vibe slows down but it’s success driven.
Taurus/Taurus Rising: Witness yourself becoming more and more of your own best friend – this kind of rebalancing in which you are just enjoying your own company truly and that IS natural you. Note/seek the adjustments that are helping you do this. And see that you are getting to a root expansion (it touches all areas of your life).
Gemini/Gemini Rising: This is a do the work kind of weekend – Mercury in your sector of work/health is positively aspecting Jupiter which is auspicious for rewards that come from your efforts. Then the Capricorn Moon on Saturday/Sunday is a Soul Moon for you at the beginning of the Moon cycle – you ride this wave for energizing deeper intentions.
Cancer/Cancer Rising: Friday is going to be a good set up for personal work when it comes to anything you feel you are refining before it is *ready*. You will likely feel a social vibe pick up on Saturday when the Moon goes into Cap – think also that sharing outwardly whatever you do feel realized in/at a height of, will bring in auspicious connections now.
Leo/Leo Rising: Friday is like a juicing up day for vision and creativity – ideas you can simply fly with. Later into the weekend there will be more of a focus on what is pragmatic, what can be made real, and obviously you did not experience both for no reason. Be discerning & methodical but bring in that magic via a focused but transcendent lens.
Virgo/Virgo Rising: You’re not making it up – something IS pushing your buttons to get you to expand into more freedom and unabashed self-expression. It’s becoming an identity thing – the more that it can be felt as an identity, the less it has to be coveted. But the latter part of the weekend (Sat & Sun) you will feel more support for what it is you are wanting to create.
Libra/Libra Rising: A lot of bigger pieces are rolling for you right now – see what you can activate this weekend with Venus in positive aspect to Saturn – some initiation of friendship or peace that gets a larger picture wheel turning. This is about taking a leap where that is actually the missing piece. The Moon in Cap assists with your pragmatism Saturday/Sunday.
Scorpio/Scorpio Rising: Own your hunger for more and your drive at the start of this weekend by giving yourself license – this can be bigger than it seems – and then aligning actions at the practical level. As the weekend moves into the Capricorn Moon, consider yourself ripe for the collection of information as it regards to what you need; information like a gateway to success.
Sagittarius/Sagittarius Rising: Mercury is being an extremely psychic wingman for you & it would be insane not to take advantage. This is information coming through your dream life, but if you are not a night dreamer you can still access this frequency through meditation, yoga or other altered states. Mercury in aspect to Jupiter in your Saturnian house just says be responsible – that’s how your best information comes in.
Capricorn/Capricorn Rising: Venus in your Saturn-ruled house of career is positively aspecting Saturn in your house of dreams, letting go and undoing — so this can spell out some positive shifts in your structural life, a rebalancing and letting go of what you don’t need, or adding magic into the mundane sustainably where it is desperately needed. Apply your efforts toward this this weekend.
Aquarius/Aquarius Rising: You can feel right at home and quite a bit energized on Friday with the Moon in a Uranus-ruled house for you in positive aspect to Uranus – this will be a great day for collecting intel via your mission/purpose arena of life. But don’t hold on too tightly – the Moon passes through your house of dreams and undoing. Let things go but KNOW your desire, act accordingly.
Pisces/Pisces Rising: Venus in your soul sector in positive aspect to Saturn in your house of career – this is brilliant for making your deep dreams a reality, the caveat of course being that it will be about what you do, not just what you long for. But take heart anyway – this is a time where it’s easier to get ahead. Just make a plan.
(Art up top: Eugenia Loli)
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